Chapter three

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Garfield's initial excitement about his revamped dating prospects soon gave way to a pervasive sense of disappointment. Despite a series of numerous dates, a nagging feeling persisted within him – an unsettling awareness that something crucial was missing. The genuine connection he longed for remained elusive, and his hope of finding someone truly special gradually waned with each unsuccessful attempt.

The women he met weren't inherently bad, in fact, many of them were genuinely interested in getting to know him, offering a refreshing departure from the fangirls he had encountered in the past. Despite their shared interests and promising initial chemistry, something always seemed to go awry.

He held high hopes for Susan, drawn to her passion for animal activism. However, as their connection deepened, he discovered that her dedication to the cause often crossed ethical boundaries. Susan was willing to commit crimes to prevent animal testing and the production of fur and leather, creating a moral dilemma that strained their potential relationship.

Hanna, another prospect, shared his love for romantic comedies. Yet, her enthusiasm quickly veered into the realm of obsession, transforming their dates into reenactments of scenes from famous movies. What initially seemed like a shared interest soon became a source of discomfort for Garfield.

Lastly, there was Nicky, who appeared to be a perfect match due to their shared passion for nerdy sci-fi interests. Initially promising, their connection took an unexpected turn when she suggested roleplay, a proposal that left Garfield unwilling to take that particular leap.

Despite Garfield's best efforts and Raven's guidance, the elusive connection he yearned for remained frustratingly out of reach. The search for love in the digital age proved to be more challenging and unpredictable than he had ever imagined, leaving him with a sense of discouragement.

"Maybe your standards are too high." Victor casually offered his perspective while assembling a sandwich in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly sliced deli meat wafting through the air.

Garfield shot him a piercing glare from his seat at the kitchen island. "So you think I should have helped Susan burn down the cosmetics factory. Or reenacted Something About Mary with Hanna. Or dress up as an alien for Nicky."

Victor conceded the point with a raised hand. "Fair enough."

With a dramatic flourish, Garfield dropped his head onto his folded arms, which rested on the table. The muted light in the kitchen cast a somber glow over his features. "Is it me? Do I just attract crazy women?"

"Self-pity is not helping your cause." Raven pointed out with her characteristic straightforwardness as she approached the table.

"She's right, girls like a man with confidence." Victor chimed in, attempting to offer some constructive advice.

"I had confidence!" Garfield protested, lifting his head defiantly. "But it was torn down with every failed date."

Observing Garfield's dramatic display, Raven decided it was time to take action. "Give me your phone." She instructed, holding out her hand with an air of authority.

Without hesitation, Garfield effortlessly handed his phone to her. Raven opened the dating app and returned to his profile. "Hey, it's me. Just your average guy that can turn into animals, no big. If you like having a good time, hit me up." She read aloud in her usual indifferent voice.

Victor couldn't help but groan in response. "Oh, man, that's bad."

"What? No, it's not." Garfield objected, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.

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