More Explaining

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Hehe I love cliffhangers. 🤤

Anywho enjoy the story.

Alex pov:

The room went silent. Shit shit shit shit. I think as they all give me blank stares. "What makes you think that?"  Pepper asks trying to hold Morgan's hand. She pulled away.

"Well a little bit after the blip I started hearing voices and I realized they were peoples thoughts. But after I met Kate, it stopped. Then when the blip ended it started again. And I have been trying to train both of the stones. So yea hopefully I can be of help."

The room went quiet again. "Kate did you know?" We all look at Kate who nods. "She told me after Yelena showed up to our house, and told us she was going to kill my mom." We both glare at Yelena. "Oh yea that was fun." She says with a laugh.

"Ok well we still need to find the others." Rhodey said. "Yes we do, we found a way to track them and we pinpointed their location to a small apartment about 3 miles from here." We all stood up to go, "wait wait wait. I want only Alex, Kate, and Wanda to go." Pepper said making all of us stop. "Why do people always say my name second?" Kate said making me laugh a little.

"It's because you're a bottom." I whisper to her. She looked over at me and smacked me on the back of the head. "Ow what the hell Kate?" She just looked at me. "Oh no did I hurt your big ass ego?" She said with a smirk.

"Alright love birds break it up. You have a mission now complete it." I wink at Kate and she blushed. "Stooooppp." Wanda said making a gagging noise.

"You have no room to talk Wanda, you liked a talking toaster." That comment earned me a punch in a gut from Wanda. "Fuck you." She said, I laughed. "I didn't see that coming." I said talking about the punch. "Neither did Pietro." Kate whispered into my ear.

I laughed so loudly that the people working at the front desk of the tower looked up. "Both of you need to stop, we have a mission to do." Wanda said trying to keep a straight face.

Kate pov:

We walked out of the building and to the apartment the two were living. We didn't bother knocking because Wanda could open the doors with her powers. "Hello, anyone home?" Alex called as we opened the door. We heard a noise coming from one of the rooms so we walked over to where it was coming from.

That was the biggest mistake. When we opened the bedroom door there were two people with no clothes on. Doing it. We quickly closed the door. "Hey we are here about how you guys have powers and it would be very nice if you put clothes on and came out here so we could talk." Wanda said.

We waited for a response. "Yep we will be out soon." We heard a voice say. After they reply we all walk into the kitchen to see a sink full of dishes. Moldy food in the garbage. And empty wine bottles everywhere.

"Jeez these people are pigs." Alex said looking around. Wanda picked up a bottle of wine. "The pice tag says it 3.00 dollars." Alex scoffed "that is sacrilegious." I just shake my head.

We wait for a few more minutes before they both come out of the bedroom fully clothed, thank god.

Wanda pov:

After they came out of their room we all sat on the couch which was the only clean part of the house. "So you guys are here to tell us about these powers?" The taller one asked. "Yes, but can we have your names please." Kate said. They both laugh and introduce themselves.

"My name is Finley, and this is Nova. We both escaped from the red room and kinda fell in love. Then the blip happened and we moved in with each other. Then we found out that we had powers but then about a year ago they stopped. But then the blip happened and they came back."

I look over at Alex who said that her powers came back when the blip ended. "Wait do you have two different colored eyes?" Alex asked. Finley laughed and nodded. "That's so cool, people tell me that I'm super lucky to have pure green eyes but you are even more lucky."

"Well I think that we need to head back to the tower." Kate said interlocking her hand with Alex's. "Wait the Avengers tower?" Nova asked. We all nod and Finley and Nova looked like they were about to pass out.

"This is the best day ever." Nova squeaked.

Ok that's all for this chapter.

I'm kinda busy so I might not post for a while :(

But I'll try ok bye :)

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