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Ooooo foreshadowing

But anywho I have no clue what I'm doing with this story, I started writing it like 6 months ago and then I dropped it and now I'm picking it back up.

So yea we'll see where it's going

I have a small idea for it so yea we'll see.

A little spice warning. No smut just spicy.

Wanda pov:

I drove to the lot of the house Nat and I had wanted to buy. I walked out of my car and saw the strange man.

"I'm glad you came, this will benefit everyone." I clutched the pamphlet tighter.

"I just want my wife back, I don't want to hurt anyone." The man tutted.

"I know, you don't want to hurt Alex, or Kate, Peter, Bucky." I shook my head.

"Stop, I just want Nat." He nodded and waved his hand, I trail of orange smoke came from his hand and all of the sudden I was reliving every memory of Nat.

I saw her walking up to me on Sokovia as it rose up in the sky.

"Is that my jacket?"

"It doesn't matter." Cap said as I eyed Nat. Her figure was perfect and she drew me in more than any human ever had.

A/n: we stan pan Wanda in this house

Then I was on the floating S.H.I.E.L.D base after Vision had brought me on board.

"Are you ok?" I looked over at Nat who was holding a cup with a string coming out of it.

"I'm not sure, I just feel. Numb." She nodded and handed me the cup of tea.

"I get it, after my first assassination job, I laid in my bed for 2 days. I was 6 at the time." I looked into the cup.

"I'm sorry." She just sat next to me and I put my head in her shoulder.

Then I was back at the compound sitting around the dinner table.

"That was great."  I said wiping my mouth and putting my napkin on my plate.

"Thanks."  Nat said sliding closer to me.

"Wanna watch a film with me in the theatre room?" I nodded and we walked to the theatre room.

I sat down in one of the chairs and Nat sat  next to me putting the arm rest up.

We put on a film and watched it getting closer and closer to each other. Eventually she looked over at me. My eyes flicked to her lips and back to her eyes.

There has always been a connection between us but there was also some unspoken barrier between us. Like some part of us knew we could never be together.

But I didn't care about the dumb avenger rules. She leaned in first and I caught her in the middle. Our lips connected in a sweet kiss but it turned to a passionate kiss.

I moved myself to sit on her lap and she held my hips while my hands were on her face.

The scene shifted. Wait go back. I know what's coming.

We were sitting around a conference table debating the Sokovia accords.

I grabbed Nat's hand under the table and squeezed. She squeezed my hand back as Tony and Steve argued.

Everyone knew about us they just said pda at meetings had to be little to zero.

Another scene change.

I was standing on the air strip in Germany looking at Nat who was siding with Tony.

My heart sank a little seeing her across the battle field. I felt like curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep. But now is not the time for tears.

It shifted again.

I saw Nat walking up to me, Sam, Scott, and cap. Her hair was blond.

It took me a moment to realize it was her but when I did I nearly knocked her over.

"You're ok?!" She stroked my head.

"I'm ok."  I pulled out of the hug and kissed her.

"I was so worried, I didn't know if you escaped Ross, then I heard you crashed some base out of the sky."  She kissed me and I melted in her arms.

"I'll tell you all about it, but right now I just want to hold you."  We got in the Quinn Jet and sat on a bench.

Her head rest in my lap as I stroked her hair.

"I can't stop thinking about what would have happened if I lost you."  She turned to look at me.

"But you didn't, I'm right here and I'm never leaving again." 

A/n: this made me bawl my eyes out for some reason

All of the sudden I was back in Westview with the strange man.

"What did you do to me?" He tutted again and it got on my nerves.

"I'm just helping you achieve what you want."  He stepped closer to me.  "Now, I'll let you figure out the rest on your own. I cannot interfere anymore."  He looked over to his left and narrowed his eyes.

I focused and felt another presence, like someone was watching.

"Enjoy your time in Westview."  He opened a portal and walked through.

Alex pov:

I sat around as everyone argued.

"A whole town disappeared the same day Wanda went missing, is that not a little suspicious to you?" Steven yelled.

"No, because Wanda just lost her wife, and not one of us has tried to help her. No one asked her how she was doing we just expected her to start fighting again. So you know how much that can hurt a person. Losing the one you love the most then getting thrown into battle. None of you fuckers do."  Bucky said slamming his fist on the table so hard it split in two.

"Buck please."  Sam pulled him away from Steven.

"No! Do you know what Wanda said to me after we held a funeral for Tony, and Steve came back as an old man. She said that it feels like no one cares that Nat is gone. She lost her parents, her brother, and Nat all because of fighting. And you think she wants to be here. She tried to leave but then a fucking alien came to earth right as she was getting settled in a life she was happy in. All of you treat us like faceless creatures that you can just throw into fight after fight. We didn't even have a funeral for Nat."  He collapsed in Sam's arms sobbing.

He had asked Nat for help after he went to Wakanda and she had visited him a few times to help with the ptsd.

"I'm sorry Bucky but she has taken a town hostage, I know it's hard on her but there are better ways to solve things than kidnapping people." Bucky straightened and stood nose to nose with Steven.

"Fuck you."  He said taking his metal arm off and shoving it in his arms.

He stormed out and Sam chased after him.

Ok that was a lot.

I'm currently on the bus on the way to a swim meet and I started crying while writing basically the whole thing.

Also I'm not a toxic Wanda stan I just think that yes there are some things that she did that you can justify but 90% you cannot justify

I also just love Lizzie Olsen <3

Ok have a lovely week

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