Chapter 8 The End of Akagi Probably

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Lots of cussing here

Enterprise: the truth is war never changes regardless of era

A few minutes earlier

At 6:00 AM

Morning at the meeting room somewhere in Pearl harbor

Laffey 724: Alright what the hell is this about

Prince of Wales: sorry for waking you but we have a problem here

shows them pictures or satellite images you can say

Enterprise: are you fucking kidding me they are not giving us a fucking break I mean we just fought them 4 fucking shitting days ago and now this You know what Im tired of Akagi's fucking shenanigans

Laffey 724: Okay okay okay, are they not being helped by the Iron Blood

Queen Elizabeth: No they are heading right to Midway which is an important base so we can have a buffer zone between the Eagle Union and Pearl harbor and the Admiralty is  asking for a full defense of the island

Laffey 724: Well we need one hell of a defense to keep this lump of land

Queen Elizabeth: Okay I'll call any available ships to join and Prince of whales can you call your sister we have two days to prepare

Prince of Wales: Yes your majesty

Laffey 724: Call her fast we need all the ships we have here

At Cornwall England


Gordon Ramsay: This is Gordon Ramsay what do you need( Mhhm mhhhm, okay George

KGV: Yes Gordon

Gordon Ramsay: Your needed in Azur Lane

KGV: Okay

Gordon Ramsay: Be careful friend

KGV: I will

Time skip

Laffey 724 (POV): So we assembled the largest combined fleet in the world to challenge the Sakura Empire

A few minutes later

Enterprise: one battle ends another begins

The main Azur Lane fleet includes ships from eagle union and Royal Navy and are now on the way to fight a major battle against Sakura Empires best ships and now the battle is going to get rough

Queen Elizabeth: It's about time they show up this is the fleet I have been expecting

Prince of Wales: It's not just our own your Majesty this is the combined fleet with Eagle union and of course Laffey 724 and my sister

Hood: This is indeed an Astounding view and Certainly quite promising

Warspite: This fight I'm sure will be decisive but we can count on all of your support for this battle

King George V: Yep were going to win a decisive victory here I promised my Friend Gordon Ramsay

Warspite: Oh the chef dude with the yelling

King George V: Yep

On aircraft carrier Hornet

Montiplier: As the knights of the seas you can count on us we are second to none

Denver: And there's no way we can let our little sister down

Colombia:Think maybe we can relax a little bit everyone is so tense I swear we are all about to snap in two

DD 724 goes to Azur Lane Where stories live. Discover now