Chapter 9 Stuck in the Arctic Ice

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After the battle between The Azur Lane and the Sakura Empire

Both fleets participated in the battle were scattered, lost,alone looking for there Comrades and trying to make sure they're safe but this area is not the greatest of hiding safe

Javelin and Laffey 459 are lost Belfast is busy looking for Enterprise and Most importantly AKAGI gone probably

Location: The Artic

London: I see When the special combat zone collapsed earlier it cost the rest of the nearby area to become unstable as well

Hood: How the bloody hell did the sirens do this

Prince of Wales: It might have to do something with Orochi or that mysterious Light caused by Enterprise or something it probably frickin connected

Queen Elizabeth: Whatever the Fucking case is the main operation now is to thwart their plan so we cannot let Sakura Empire to escape despite all costs

On Hornets Carrier

Colombia: Holy Christ what the heck is going on

Cleveland: How the heck do I know

Hornet: Big sis where the frick are you hope your okay

Meanwhile at Belfast

Belfast: Oh shit why Enterprise you were already recovering

Time skip

Javelin and Laffey Location

Javelin: Bloody hell it's So cold

Laffey: we got separated from the main fleet we have to get back plus I need to make sure my daughter is okay

Javelin: You seemed to be worried about her

Laffey: Yeah what kind of mother I would be if I'm not worried where my daughter is

Javelin: You still want to be friends with Ayanami

Laffey: Yes Yes I'm willing to do whatever it takes

Javelin: Wait a minute Shipgirl 100 yards

The blizzard was picking up but somehow inside the mist reveals a figure

it's Ayanami

Javelin: Ayanami

Ayanami:(Goes to fighting stance) Do you still don't want to fight

Laffey: We told you before we don't want to be enemies I want us to be friends

Javelin: That's right why would we try to hurt you

Ayanami: How can we be friends we maybe destroyers but we're in different factions plus we have different ordeals it's not like opposites attract

Laffey: It doesn't matter, plus you said it yourself opposites attract so no matter our difference in faction and goals we will still be attracted to one another and become friends

Ayanami: ummmmm

Javelin: That's right you can choose to avoid us but w will always find each other in battle

Then Ayanami's sisters cam in

Laffey: Oh shit watch out!!!

A shot was fired somehow in the mist almost hitting the two destroyers, Then shigure Yudachi and yukikaze began protecting Ayanami

Yukikaze: Guess we have to go

Yudachi: Don't expect us to go easy on you next time you will break yourself

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