Toby/Jack AU's (important)

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This part is very important if you want help understanding part of the story.

Jacks AU-

Age- 30 years (though he doesn't keep count)

Height- 6,2 feet

Sexuality/gender- MLM and Demiboy (He/It)

Phobias- Speluncaphobia (Fear of caves), Haphephobia (Fear of being touch, and that one only applies on his face)

abilities- Super speed/strength/hearing/smelling.

physical/other important things-

1. There's a wound on it's neck that makes it hard to speak.

2. very sensitive to loud sounds

3. He has a tail, point ears (That react in different ways, depending on its mood), monster paws, legs built like a gazelles, and long hair that he normally wears in a bun.

Toby's AU

Age- 27 years

Height- 5,6 feet

Sexuality/Gender- Pansexual and Transmale (He/Him)

Phobias- claustrophobia (Fear of small places)

Abilities- Unable to feel pain

Physical/other important things-

1. He has a studder that gets worse when upset/scared.

2. He has fuzzy hair, with burned, somewhat ruff skin, though he is " scrawny", he's very strong.

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