Awaking nightmare

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~The picture at the top is what Jack looks like. Just he always has his mask on. The next chapter will have Toby, but for now have fuuuun!~

*3 hours later*

It was around 1 in the morning, and well.. I was tired. But I still don't want to lay with him.
That'll be weird.

Well I thought that, till Toby started whimpering. Ì quickly got up, and went over to him. Slightly shaking him.

"Toby..?" I asked, to no response. "Toby..!?" I said again, getting him to wake up this time.

He woke up crying, and jumped up into my arms. Crying into my shoulder, letting me wrap my arms around him.

"Shhhh.." I whispered to him. "Everything is ok.." I whispered again.

He kept crying, pulling me onto the bed with him. Snuggling close to me.
I started panicking.
"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK..!!" I screamed in my mind, as my heart went crazy.

"Uhh.. Uhh.. Toby..?" I asked, trying to play everything off cool.

"Shh" He shushed me. "You're b-big and scary.. You'll scare t-th-the monsters away." He said, sounding like he fell back asleep.

I felt my face burning up. "No, no..!!! Stop it..!" I screamed at myself, as my tail started wagging. "TAIL NO..!" I screamed again.

"Jackie?" I hear Toby asked, making me turn my head down at him. 

"Uuh.. Y-Ya..?" I asked, flustered as all living hell.

"Why is you-ur-r *pop* tail wagging?" He asked.

I pushed myself off the bed, and scrambled to get back up.

"UUH.. UUM.." I said in a panic, finally getting myself back up. "I'm fine..!" I somewhat yelled.

"Oh.." He said, grabbing my arm. "Can-n you please lay w-wi-th me?" He asked, making my face fluster up again.

"I- uhh.. Sure.." I said, trying to stay calm. But on the inside... IM HAVING A GAY PANIC!!!

He pulled me back down, snuggling close again. Giving me that weird fuzzy feeling again.
I still want to kiss those lips of his.

Fuzzy Feelings (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ