New Proxy

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I woke up to the sound of screaming. I groaned at the sound of everyone being loud, and rolled out of bed. Hitting the floor with a thump. I got up from the floor, slipped on my mask, and walked downstairs. I stop at the bottom of the stairs, listening to everyone run around like crazy. I walked over to Jane, and poked her. 

"What's going on..?" I asked her

"Oh! Hey Jack!" She said happily "We're getting a new proxy today!" She almost yelled. 

"A new poxy..?" I asked, as I somewhat covered my ears. 

"Ya!" She said, giving me a weird look. Then elbowed me. "I heard he's going to be cute~" She said in a.. I guess "Sex" voices. 

"Not like it matters to me.. Plus what makes you think I'll like him..?" I said somewhat coldly, but blushing at thought of it.   

"Oh! No reason! I just thought.." She Cut herself off, and quickly walked away. 

I growled slightly, but walked away... I guess I'll just have to wait till this proxy get's here. 

2 hours later

everyone was standing in the main room, waiting for Slender to walk in with the proxy. All of a sudden everyone started to get loud, screaming, and yelling, and cheering. It droved me crazy, it scared me. I left the room, covering my ears. I was panicked by all the noise.  

I was in the medical room, still panicked by all the noise. 

Before I known it, someone came into the room. I listened closely to the person move. 

"Jack?" Tim said to me. 

"Yes..?" I asked getting up. 

"Boss wants you to look after Toby tonight. He's the new proxy, and Boss want's him safe." He told me. "Explain to him everything."  He said once again. 

"I'll try.." I told him 

"Hold out your arms." He told me, as I did as I was told. 

He placed some that felt like a body. I listened to him leave, as I laid down the body. As I turned around to walk away from it, I hear it say. 

"Who the h-hell are you?!"  

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