Heating (pt1)

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~Lemon wanring~

"Just fuck me already.." I said, as I heard him laugh more.

He grabbed the rim of my shirt, pulling it off my body. He rubbed his ruff hands along my chest, getting a small groan out of me.

"Stop teasing me, damn it..!!" I said, glaring at him.

All I got was a laugh from him... And him unzipping my pants. I pulled on his shirt, pulling it off of him as well. Getting a another laugh out of me.

"Someone's-one-s impatient" He teased.

"You're the one that's taking too long..!!" I argued back, whimpering afterwards.

"Alright- alright-" He said, pulling my pants off of me.

He moved away from me, as I listened to him move around. Soon sitting back on me. I felt him move his chest against me, whispering in my ear.

"Touch whatever you-u-u want~" He purred, making mind immediately ran with different thoughts.

I ran my hands around his chest, messing with his nips. I got a moan out of him, making my heart flutter up. I moved my hands down to wearing I thought his boxers where... Just to feel that he didn't have any.

"You.. You took them off..?" I asked, feeling my body heat up.

"And?" He asked "I want you do-o t-to do whatever you want to it-t-t~" He purred to me again.

I flustered up, not sure what to say or do.

"Just.. Just fuck me already..!!!" I begged, getting a small laugh from him.

"Alright, alright~" He purred.

I felt him pull on my boxers, soon then pulling them all the way off my body.

"If-f only you could see yourself~" He purred, laughing a little.

I felt my body heating up more, as I huffed.

"Alright, alright-" He laughed. "Get ready-" He said.

I ready my body, waiting for him.

"Rea-dy?" He asked one last time.
I nodded my head.

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