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 "Dom?" I suddenly am finding it very difficult to keep my voice at a steady volume.

Overcome with shock and disbelief, my smile falls, morphing into a face of pure surprise. I stare at the artificial redhead who has appeared behind Tom and Adam, unable to believe he's really there. Upon hearing me speak, Dom's suddenly completely awake. His head shoots up, staring at Adam's phone, which was now being held by its rightful owner.

"Give me the phone,"


"Fine then,"

Dom strides over, ending the call. My look of shock morphs into one of distress. What just happened? Why did he end the call? Does he actually not want to speak to me? Oh god, he hates me. He hates me, and I'm stuck here forever, and-

"Incoming call from: Dumbass Dom," My phone cuts off my stream of panicked thoughts.

I pick up without a second thought, immediately being met with Dom, who has now, I think, locked himself in his room so Adam and Tom can't get in. I can hear them banging on his door in the background.

"...Y/N? Can you hear me?" He's quiet, clearly just as shocked as I am that we can speak to each other right now.

"...Hey, Dom..." I reply, not answering his question; he understands that I can indeed hear him anyways.

"Hey. Hey love, hi? How are ya?" He smiles now, tears already cascading down his cheeks; he looks like he hasn't slept properly since I had to leave.

I can't respond. The words are all getting stuck in my throat. I have too much I need to say but my body doesn't have the energy to say it all right now; it's scaring me. Dom immediately notices the state I'm in, just as he always has. His smile falters as he immediately moves to begin calming me down.

"Woah, hey, Y/N, it's okay. I know you've got a lot on your mind to say. I do, too. It's okay, I know it's overwhelming, but it's okay. I'm here now. I'm here," I miss hearing him talk.

I nod, taking as deep of a breath as I possibly can, considering my injuries. Once he sees I'm calming down, he begins to speak again.

"Here, let's do this for now. Stay on this call, yeah? We can talk tomorrow. Tonight, let's just stay on call and sleep. We both need the rest, it's pretty obvious. Is that okay with you?" Dom proposes; I like that idea.

"Yes, please. Talk tomorrow," I reply, keeping it short so I don't start crying and nearly spiraling again.

"Okay, I'm gonna explain the situation to everyone. They're all up now, as you can hear. I'll be right back," Dom smiles before muting and leaving the camera's view.

I see a crack of light enter his room, likely meaning he just barely has cracked the door open so no one tries to steal his phone. I see lots of moving shadows in the crack of light for a few minutes before it disappears, meaning Dom's closed the door. He soon appears in the view of the camera once again, smiling still.

"Okay, let's sleep now. Goodnight, N/N. I'll talk to you tomorrow, I swear. I love you and I miss you so, so much,"

"G'Night, Dom. Thank you. I love and miss you just as much."

With those final words, I quickly find myself drifting off into a peaceful, unfamiliar state of safe-feeling unconsciousness.


I wake up about nine hours later, being met with silence. Confused by the unfamiliar silence, I decide to check the driveway. My parents still aren't here. Since my return, they've really only left after punishments that they assume will leave me unable to walk. To be fair, if it weren't for Dom sending me first aid kits, I definitely would still be in bed right now, maybe even still stuck downstairs on the floor. Wait, Dom. SHIT, DOM. THE CALL! I rush back up to my room as quickly as possible, looking for my new phone, which I had thankfully remembered to plug in last night before clocking out, apparently. The call was ended, shit. I call again, praying for an answer. One ring doesn't even pass before Dom picks up. He's smiling brightly the moment I can see him. I smile back instantly. I missed him. I still do miss him.

"Hey, Y/N," He starts, already tearing up.

"Hi," I respond, feeling my own tears prick my eyes.

"Shit, N/N, don't cry. You're gonna make me cry," He laughs, his tears falling before mine do.

"You cried first!"

"Shush you made me!"

We laugh off our mini, lighthearted argument for a moment before both calming down, deciding to try and actually talk.

"You first, love. How are you holding up over there?" Dom asks me.

"Do you want the truth...?"

"All of it. All of the truth. You know I know it's not and never will be your fault. I'm not gonna get upset with you. Talk to me,"



I tell him everything that's been happening. All of it. It feels so good to get it out and to talk to people who care about me again. Somewhere along the way, Adam, Tom, Ben, and Jesse all arrive and join Dom, listening in on everything. I don't have a problem with it, they were all gonna find out sooner or later. When I finish, I cringe at the faces my explanation has now caused. Jesse is in tears (and swiftly leaves the room once I finish speaking), Adam has his entire face covered, Tom's head is in his hands, Ben is covering his mouth, and Dom's jaw is completely dropped. Oh, and all of them are full on crying; Tom and Dom are pretty much heaving. I feel bad for making them all upset like this.

"I'm sorry," I speak quietly; Dom looks at me, shaking his head and wiping his tears before replying.

"Don't you dare apologize. None of us are upset with you and we're upset because we love you and want you to be happy. I think I'm speakin' for everyone 'ere when I say we all want to come over there an' just take you, but if we do that, we may never see you again if we get caught," Dom takes a deep breath after he finishes.

I nod, taking in what he has said. There's a few moments of silence before I speak up again, just as quiet as I was when I apologized.

"So, uhm, how are all of-" I hear the front door open.

Dom hears it too.



word count: 1120

immediately bringing in the pain here as always xxx

i dont have school all of next week, expect more chapters throughout the next 7-10 days :]]

please vote and comment if you enjoyed ! love u alllll

- r <3

DANCING AT MY FUNERAL - An Adopted by Yungblud Story (Book Two)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu