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 It's been a week since I started physical therapy; we have a week until the tour. Therapy sucks, but it's worth it if it means I can get in the audience soon. My doctor's chill, nothing is really wrong about it except for how much it hurts to do. Physical therapy is painful. Luckily, today's session (which ended about an hour ago) is my last in-office session before leaving for tour; my doctor's given me a list of the stuff she typically has me do to do while on tour. As for today, I'm not moving from my bed unless absolutely necessary. Everything hurts so, so badly. I haven't told Dom or any of the rest of the crew; I'm hoping it'll slowly just get better as I do more exercises. I suddenly hear a gentle knock on my door.

"Y/N...? Can I come in?" It's Jesse.

"Yeah!" I respond, not moving an inch.

She opens the door, entering my room before shutting it behind her. She looks up at me in my loft bed, a semi-concerned look painting her face.

"You feeling okay? You haven't moved since you got back from therapy," She asks.

"Yeah, just sore. Sorry," I keep my response short in hopes that she won't question further; I don't want her or any of the rest of the crew to worry too much.

"So sore that you can't get out of bed?" Fuck, I'm not getting out of this one.

"Yeah...," I sigh in response.

"Want some Ibuprofen?"

"Please," I forgot pain meds exist, holy shit.

"Alright; first, let's get you down so you can eat something before taking some, just to be safe," Jesse responds, chuckling.

I agree, hissing in pain as she helps me down from my loft of soreness and self-pity. I limp pitifully down the steps and into the living room, face planting on the couch right next to Tom and groaning my heart out. Tom places a hand on my head, ruffling my short, dyed hair (which I've recently noticed is in desperate need of a re-dye; it's pretty much just tacky, bleach blonde with how faded it's gotten). I roll over onto my back slowly, staring at Tom until he notices me. Once he notices my staring, he jumps a bit, startled by the unexpected glare.

"What?" He asks nonchalantly.

"Do you know if Dom has any hair dye in the house?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but all we have is red,"

"...Red it is, then."


An hour and a half later, I'm sat on my bathroom counter (I managed to jump up here so I don't have to stand for too long because I'm still sore as fuck), admiring my now cherry red hair. I love it. I smile, carefully dismounting from the counter and making my way back downstairs as best as I can. Dom is now in the living room along with Tom. He quickly spots me, immediately looking up at my hair.

"THAT'S where my hair dye went! We match now!" He beams at me, elated.

I nod, slowly making my way down the rest of the steps and into the living room, sitting in between Tom and Dom. They each immediately wrap an arm around me; ever since I got back, everyone's been a lot more focused on being near me. I know they all still are recovering from the months I was in hell; I am too. I don't mind having them around more. In fact, I prefer it. I still get really anxious and paranoid when I'm alone because of all the attempted kidnappings from the past. I smile, closing my eyes. A small nap won't hurt.


I wake up to the sound of the smoke alarm and lots of yelling. Some of the soreness is gone, too. I jolt up, thoroughly confused and a bit scared. Dom is running around the room, yelling about finding the fire extinguisher. Tom and Adam are fanning the stove with towels; WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY FANNING THE FLAME?! THEY'RE GONNA MAKE IT BIGGER! I rush over, yanking the towels out of their hands. I dart to the fridge, grabbing a random opened water bottle and practically launching it onto the small flame on the stove. It diminishes within seconds.

"I FOUND THE- wait what?" Dom runs in, about to spray the fire extinguisher.

"DOMINIC RICHARD HARRISON, DON'T YOU DARE!" I shout, effectively startling everyone in the room (Dom, Tom, and Adam).

Dom slowly lowers the fire extinguisher, wide-eyed after my outburst. He slowly backs away, presumably to put the fire extinguisher back in its proper place. I take a deep breath, turning to Tom and Adam. God, this house is so blissfully chaotic. I love it.

"What happened?" I inquire.

"...I tried to cook something and forgot it was on the stove," Adam fesses up.

"...Okay," I respond, chuckling.

I help all of them clean up, taking note of the general vibe in the room. It's tense, but somehow a good tense? It's unusually quiet.

"Why are y'all so quiet?" I ask Tom, Dom, and Adam, who are all now sitting in the living room with me.

"...None of us have ever heard you yell like that before unless you were scared or hurt," Adam responds.

"Oh," Did I scare them? I didn't mean to-

"I'm proud of you for it, honestly," Tom says to me, cutting off my thoughts.

"Why?" I ask.

"You've never had an outburst like that at any of us because of the mindset you've had since way before you even knew we existed. Doing that, I think, shows that you're making progress. You're not as scared to stand up for yourself and make your presence known. That's huge, Y/N," Dom smiles as he explains for Tom, once again wrapping an arm around me.

He's right. A few months ago, I never would have yelled like that. I smile, looking down.

"I didn't think of it like that before," I respond happily.

"Neither did I until I realized you had fully yelled at me. That's some insane progress. I'm so, so fuckin proud of you," Dom pulls me into a tight hug.

Adam and Tom join us, agreeing with Dom as they do so.

I'm making progress.


word count: 1048

i am so, SO sorry for the hiatus . my mental health isn't the best right now ; updates may be a bit slower until school is out for me . i hope you're all doing well <3

thank you so much for reading ! please vote and comment if you enjoyed !

- r <3

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