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i am so , SO sorry for the lack of chapters . explanation at the end of the chapter. enjoy <3


 The first opener for Dom is about to go on in Berlin; nothing has gotten better since the encounter with EF/N yesterday. In fact, things have only gotten worse. I'm hiding in the bathroom attached to the green room, trying to fend off a panic attack before I can ruin tonight for Dom and the rest of the crew. I took a peek out at the crowd earlier; EF/N is ON THE FUCKING BARRIER. How the fuck did they figure everything out that quickly? AND get a ticket? AND GET BARRIER? Why do they have to be here? And why the fuck are they still obsessed with me? I should tell Dom. No, I don't want to ruin the opening show. But, if I do tell him, I know he can get security to pull EF/N out. No, no, it's fine, they can't get backstage, they can't get to me, it'll be fine. I take two puffs of my inhaler, take a deep breath, make sure my makeup isn't fucked up, and leave the bathroom. I re-enter the green room, finding Dom, Tom, Ben (Jackson), and Ben (Sharp) all getting ready and putting final touches on their hair, outfits, makeup, etc. Dom notices me first, smiling and giving me a wave as he puts his black lipstick on. I return the greeting quickly; god, I hope he can't tell I'm still nervous. I don't think he can. Yet.

Soon enough, Dom's about to go onstage. I sit in the wings with him and the rest of the crew, my leg bouncing up and down nervously. No one can see my visible apprehension because of how dark it is, thank fuck. On queue, Dom's face lights up, barely visible in the near pitch black we're all currently sitting in.

"Showtime," He whispers, giving me a side hug before hopping up and getting in position behind his black curtain, Adam and Ben (Sharp) following shortly.

Tom squeezes between the curtain and the wall of the wings, hopping into the space between the barrier and the stage. Ben (Jackson) gets in position in the wings opposite me, ready to throw and catch Dom's guitars.

Within two songs, a majority of my nerves are starting to calm down. I smile excitedly, watching Dom have the absolute time of his life out on stage. The crowd is electric and he's loving it. He's about to start his third song on the setlist, which is superdeadfriends; one of my favorites. I notice Dom scanning the faces at the barrier of the crowd, his face falling when he recognizes EF/N from the other day. My smile falters a bit as he bends down and speaks quickly to one of the security guards standing in the space in between the barrier and the stage, pointing at EF/N as he speaks. Holy shit, is he kicking them out? I think he is. I watch closely, relief filling my body as I see two security guards walk in front of EF/N and talk to them briefly before pulling them out. They look pissed as they whine in protest all the way to the exit. I smile slightly wider, letting out a relief-filled breath I had no idea I was holding in. Dom looks over at me, slightly concerned; he raises his eyebrows and gives me a thumbs-up, silently asking if I'm okay. I nod at him, still smiling, and mouth a quick 'thank you' to him. He smiles widely back at me and nods, resuming the concert smoothly. I cheer as superdeadfriends begins, screaming along to the lyrics from my seat backstage.

With each song, the concert only gets better and better. I've been to Dom's concerts before, but the last one I went to feels like forever ago, now. I forgot how amazing the energy in the venue is. The feeling of pure excitement that builds in me as I can quite literally feel the booming bass in my chest as it rumbles throughout the venue, further heightening the adrenaline of the energetic, sweaty, moshing crowd filling the building. Being at a concert with energy like this feels so freeing and so euphoric, despite not even being in the audience. Dom has a way of just lighting up a room with such vigor and unity that, in my opinion, will forever go unmatched by any other artist. Even though this is only the first show of the tour and my second time seeing Dom perform, I can already tell that these concerts will quickly grow into a huge safe space for me and I am absolutely over the moon about it.

As Dom's final song of the night (Machine Gun (Fuck the NRA)) comes to a close, he jogs off stage, smiling widely at me before taking two puffs from his inhaler. Once he can breathe properly again, he beams at me once more.

"So? How was it?" He asks me; does he not already know the answer to that?

"That was fucking AMAZING!! Are you kidding me?!" I beam right back at Dom as I respond, carefully getting up and pulling him into a very sweaty hug. Dom laughs and hugs me back tightly before pulling away, holding me gently by the shoulders.

"Wanna come outside the venue with me in a few?" He offers, which makes my smile falter just a bit.

I want to go out there, I really do, but what if EF/N is out there? I really do not want another encounter with them to happen. Dom, of course, takes immediate notice to my apprehension, his smile faltering a bit as well.

"If you're worried about the dickhead that harassed you the other day, it's okay. I made sure there were guards moved outside to watch and make sure he stays away from the venue entirely. You won't have to see him again, I promise," Dom reassures me, still smiling slightly.

Upon hearing that, I smile wider and nod excitedly, now happily able to accept his offer. I love getting to meet the BHC. After all, them, Dom, and the rest of the crew are the reason I'm still here today.

Half an hour later, Dom is showered and we're both ready to head outside. Dom walks out first; I follow close behind him, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden screams that quickly die down, allowing Dom to talk to the fans lined up along the barrier that's been placed outside. I tag along with Dom, receiving a shocking amount of compliments and engaging in many incredibly pleasant conversations. I'm glad I got to come out with Dom; his fanbase is one of the sweetest, most accepting groups of people I've ever met and they're all amazing to talk to.

By the time we head back in, it's well past midnight and all of us are still running on adrenaline, for the most part. To celebrate the kickoff of the tour, we decide on a nice late-night dinner?? Celebratory snack?? I have no idea what I should call it. For the whatever-one-would-call-the-meal-we-decided-on, we crusade our way through late-night Berlin in search of somewhere to eat that's still open at this ungodly hour. After about twenty minutes of searching, we finally find a little diner that's still open, happily making our way in and finding a place to sit. The late-night-food-crew consists of me, Dom, Tom, Adam, Ben (Sharp), and Ben (Jackson). Jesse won't be here for another few shows, unfortunately. She has a few things to handle with both her own music and some new Deadly Doll designs before she can join us. Upon reading the menu, I see something that greatly excites me, probably more than it should. Chocolate chip pancakes. Oh yes. Oh hell yes. As it comes to be my turn to order, I excitedly order my pancakes, practically bouncing in my seat.

Twenty minutes later and everyone's food has arrived. I am digging into these pancakes and fuck they are good. Thank fuck theres's a lot on the plate; too much for me to finish, perfect. This means I can bring the rest back to the tour bus and enjoy them whenever I please, YES. Once the waiter comes back out, Dom asks for a couple takeout boxes, passing one of them to me upon receiving them. I happily stuff the rest of my pancakes into the box, already excited to eat them as leftovers at some point in the near future. I yawn as we leave, sleepily making my way back to the bus with the rest of the crew, clocking out almost immediately after getting situated and hopping into my bunk.

I hope late night diner food becomes a tour tradition.


word count: 1460

hi loves !! i am so so sorry for the lack of updates . for one, i write all of my chapters and works in google docs before publishing them here; my google account ran out of storage, so i had to make a new one and transfer everything over. additionally, im just not doing the best mentally/emotionally. as i am still in highschool, im now looking for a car as well, which has proved to be much more stressful and MUCH more difficult than expected. however, i hope to return to writing at least a little bit soon. thank you all so so much for your support on this series. i love u all sm and please vote n comment if u enjoyed !

- r <33

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