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heavy content. read at your own discretion.



"Come on, pick your bunk," Dom guides me through the tour bus swiftly, knowing I would want to explore it all for myself.

I pick one of the highest bunks, smiling, being reminded of my loft bed at home. I hope up into it, realizing Dom will be below me. Everyone else tossed their shit in the bus and went to find food, so it's just me and Dom, right now. We're in Berlin and it's amazing.


"Hm?" he replies from his bunk below me.

"I wanna go out and look around,"

"Where you thinkin' we go?"

"Motherfucker, I don't know," I laugh.

I hear a dramatic gasp before Dom peeks his head into my bunk, mouth agape with offense and slight disgust.

"I would never fuck your mother," He says before he bursts out laughing, his laughter coming after mine.

After a few minutes, we both manage to calm down and I'm in need of my inhaler. I take one puff before continuing,

"Now that was fuckin' funny," I say, sighing, "Can we go out now?"

"Of course, come on, I know a few places,"


Two hours later, Dom and I are in the middle of some random street in the heart of Berlin, taking photos with a group of BHC members that spotted us. I'm honestly surprised; a shocking amount of people A.) want me in their photos with Dom or B.) want photos with just me. I didn't expect to become so popular so quickly. It's really cool, just really unexpected. After around half an hour, the small group leaves after a light, pleasant conversation with us and Dom and I continue our journey through the streets of Berlin. Suddenly, I hear a familiar, disgust-inducing voice that I would rather not have heard break through the sounds of the city surrounding Dom and myself.

"Oh my god, D/N, is that you?!" Dear god, not them, anyone but them.

I feel a rough hand harshly grab my shoulder and turn me around with a terrifyingly familiar amount of force, making me wince almost instantly. Dom is immediately putting an arm around me, noticing my change in disposition instantaneously upon hearing my deadname fall from this fucking asshole's mouth. It's EF/N; they were the grossest kid in my old school when I was still with my parents and they, for some reason, had an obsession with making each and every one of my school days hell. I let my facial expression fall flat, showing not a hint of emotion to them.

"That's not my name. It's Y/N," I reply, monotone; can they please just leave me be?

"What? Okay, whatever you say, I guess. That name is kinda weird, though. I like D/N more, but it's your name," They ramble, rolling their eyes; PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP.

"What do you want?" I keep my tone cold, doing the best I can to hide the fear and discomfort building up inside me.

"Damn, no need to be so pissy. I just saw you and wanted to catch up!"

"Why the hell are you even here?"

"What, in Berlin? I'm here on vacation! What about you?" God, even their voice makes me want to shudder with discomfort.

"On a tour," I reply shortly.

"...I'm sorry, what? You're not with your parents?" What the fuck.

"They aren't my parents,"

"...Uh, well they kinda are," they mumble before continuing, " have you been?" Please leave me alone.


"Why did you leave school? You were the talk of the whole school when you disappeared out of nowhere,"


"Okay...where to? And who with? Also, what are your socials now? I can't find you anywhere, I've been trying to talk to you since you stopped coming to school. And who's the guy glaring at me over your shoulder?" No shit they can't find my socials; I blocked them everywhere the second I could.

"None of your business,"

"God, D/N, why are you being such a bitch? You never stood up for yourself when we used to hang out. Honestly, I liked you better that way," That's the final straw.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" With that, I turn around, storming off.

They're immediately following Dom and myself through the city, taunting me to try and get my attention. They're pulling out every trick in the book; misgendering me, deadnaming me, bringing up the past. Tears start pricking my eyes as we walk. Why do they have to be here? At the first fucking location we stop at? AND WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY SO OBSESSED WITH ME, STILL? Why them, of all people? Was fucking school not enough for them? I pick up the pace, diving headfirst into a huge crowd of people, still not letting my tears fall. Finally, we lose them. Dom quickly redirects us back to the tour bus, ushering me on and inside once we get there after about a ten minute walk. I immediately sink into one of the couches, closing my eyes and taking a deep, shaky breath as I allow my tears to fall. Fuck, I can't let that douchebag ruin my day. Not when everything is about to be so exciting. I feel the couch sink down next to me before a ring-clad hand covers my own. Dom speaks up, his tone careful, quiet and filled with concern,

"You okay?" He asks, earning a shake of my head in response.

"Want a hug?" This time, he gets a nod.

I'm quickly but carefully pulled into a tight, secure hug. I continue taking deep breaths, just trying to get over what the fuck just happened.

"Mind me asking who that was?" Dom asks, breaking the silence about thirty seconds into the hug.

"They were basically the predecessor to my parents. Made my school life a living hell. Traumatized me and then lied about it all, saying I said yes to everything. Everyone believed them because they were popular,"

"Fuckin' hell, N/N. I'm so, so fucking sorry,"

"It's ok, I know they can't do shit to me anymore. That unexpected encounter just really fucked with me,"

"I know. Wanna just chill here? Maybe order some takeout?" Dom asks.

"Please," I reply.

Let's hope the rest of the tour is better than that encounter. As long as they stay away, I'll be fine. Everything will be fine.


word count: 1066

i return ! still , unfortunately , cannot promise a stable update schedule as of right now , though :[ but i am back !

thank u all sm for reading , plz vote and comment if u enjoyed !

- R <3

DANCING AT MY FUNERAL - An Adopted by Yungblud Story (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now