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sorry for the short hiatus !! enjoy <3


 It's only been a day since Dom told me about the tours and I'm already nervous about them. I want to be able to be in the crowd this time, not stuck in a chair backstage. Right now, I'm sitting on the couch, brooding over my current desire to be in a mosh pit while Adam sets up Mario Kart. He is very, very adamant on getting in a tournament with the whole crew before said tour, so we're doing one today. We already ordered unreasonable amounts of different food and began stuffing our faces shortly before Adam figured out what the fuck he was doing on the Switch. I sit silently, watching the guitarist try to figure out the quite-easy-to-operate system, failing miserably. Tom is the first to notice my odd silence.

"You okay, Y/N?" He asks casually, seemingly not too concerned yet.

"I want to be in the audience this time," I reply, completely skipping over the photographer's question.

"...What?" Tom asks; Dom seems to get the memo before Tom does.

"Y/N, you're not going in the pit 'till that ankle heals," Dom immediately blurts out, his tone strong but gentle at the same time.

"Well, duh, but I want to be in that crowd before we reach... let's say the tenth show of the world tour," I retort.

"Well, you can't get to that point without at least some physical therapy. The rest of your body is still healing, too," Dom voices his concerns subtly, frowning lightly at me.

"Okay, then I'll do physical therapy throughout the next two weeks and the tours," I reply, seemingly shocking Dom and the rest of the crew.

"Hold on, you'll actually go to a doctor about your injuries?" Adam asks, voice filled with hope and surprise.

I've been avoiding going to the doctors as much as possible since Dom initially took me in after the first time he called me. I'm absolutely terrified that going will somehow get me sent back to my parents. However, Dom is now legally my guardian. I'm under his care in the eyes of the law, meaning my parents getting me back legally is completely out of the question now. And, with them in jail now, they can't even get me back illegally. Going to a doctor should be fine now, right...?

"If it means I can get in the pit as soon as possible, then yes," I answer Adam nonchalantly, now seeing that he finally figured out how to properly set up the switch.

The whole team seems to be shocked beyond belief by my answer. I understand why; I would usually refuse going to any sort of medical facility out of fear.

"Why are you all so shocked? I know I'm safe," I retort; for some reason, this makes the crew quite emotional.

After we all decide to have a good, collective cry, it's finally time for the Mario Kart tournament to begin.


"DOM, YOU ACTUALLY SUCK, OH MY GOD!" I laugh at Dom, watching him finish last, on the verge of hysterics from laughing so hard.

This is the third race of god-knows-how-many and I have discovered that Jesse is impressively good at Mario Kart. This past race was quite interesting; I came in first, Jesse came in second, Tom came in third, Ben came in sixth, Adam came in eighth, and Dom came in last. Dom has been consistently coming in last or close to last; I feel bad for the poor guy. He's getting all sad and shit.

"Guys, let's turn on poor Dom's smart steering," I suggest lightheartedly.

"I DO NOT NEED SMART STEERING," Dom immediately jumps to defend himself, sending me into yet another hysterical fit of laughter, the rest of the crew joining me within seconds of my outburst.

All in all, the tournament ends with the crew and myself finishing in this order: I get first place, then Jesse, then Adam, Then Ben, then Tom, and then Dom. The one in last place is very sad, so I'm probably gonna bake him some cookies or something tomorrow. I check the time on my phone casually; damn, it's already nearly one in the morning? Since when? I decide to call it a night, heading up to my room. I've missed my room; I still miss it, considering I haven't spent much time in it. I drift off peacefully, blissfully unaware of what tomorrow will bring.


Upon waking up, I hear panicked banging on my door, jolting me awake very unexpectedly. I'm confused beyond belief; who the fuck is banging on my door so hard so early in the morning? Is there an emergency or something? Was I hallucinating this whole time and I'm actually still at my parents' house? What time even is it, anyway? I groan, checking my phone. Oh. It's nearly two in the afternoon. Someone definitely thinks I'm dead in here, or something like that.

"I'm alive!" I groan out loudly, hearing the banging stop followed by an 'oh, thank fuck' from Tom.

"You didn't come down in the morning and it freaked us all out, sorry. Did I wake you up?" I hear Tom through the door.

"Yeah, but it's fine. You can come in, by the way," I reply, watching my door creak open soon after, revealing Tom, Dom, and Jesse behind it.

"Yo," I greet them simply.

"Hey, kiddo," Jesse replies first, smiling and climbing up into my loft bed, sitting criss-cross at the footboard.

"Mornin', sleepyhead," Dom is next, chuckling lightly after he speaks.

"It's not morning, Dom. Afternoon, Y/N," Tom lightheartedly corrects Dom, making me chuckle under my breath.

"So, Y/N, y'know how you said something about starting physical therapy...?" Dom asks me hesitantly.

"Yeah, what about it?" I reply, eager to finally get fully back on my feet again.

"Wanna, maybe, get ready for the day and then get the ball rolling on that...?"

I'm hesitant, still. Doctor's offices are still terrifying to me. No, it'll be fine. This time is different. I'm legally with Dom now. They can't send me back to my parents anymore. It'll be okay. Everything will turn out fine.

"...Sure. Let's do it."


word count: 1034

HI IM SO SORRY ABOUT THE SHORT BREAK !! had some school stuff get pretty mentally taxing :p BUT IM FEELING BETTER !! im also sorry that this is a slight bit of a filler chapter , i promiseeeee it's gonna get juicier soon !!

love u all so much , please vote and comment if you enjoyed !

- r <3

DANCING AT MY FUNERAL - An Adopted by Yungblud Story (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now