Better Way

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Chapter 1

Wake up child we have a palace to cook for. Shell woke inhaling then Exhaling this can't be my life she thought.

I'm already nineteen, unmarried and destined to a life of fucking servitude like my mother mer and four mother mer's before her.

There has to be a better fucking life then this she thought. Up Shell! Shell used her legs as her room was flush of water. She walked in the kitchen three feet of water up to her calves as she spread sweet fish on her clay cuts.

Legs? She sat her legs fused together and out rolled her colorful fins.

Your tail has such beautiful colors baby not like other mermaid's you never show it. Mermen look at the tail if it's strong, long, colorful, and if you can fuse then switch to floating fast. You have all these thing's Shell plus your beautiful. Yet I'm single mom.

Shell was on her phone checking her under water web page. How is your page sales going? Better if I were allowed to go to the surface and start a sales page with the human's. Shell your sister went to the surface and we never saw her again.

That's because she married a human with human kids. Half human children. Human they don't have tail's mom or protective fin's.

They are only seven Shell we can't be certain until they get past puberty. Fin's crossed huh mom? Alway's baby.

We gotta go the prince is having his engagement party in three days. I hear King Poseidon is coming. They say that every year and he never shows mom.

It's different this time Shell. Mom when was the last time toy saw Poseidon? King Poseidon child.

Okay King then? Oh I'll say some odd thirty year's ago when Golden Sands married.

Mom Prince Gold been married forever hehe. Well shell the point is he showed and he blessed Gold with--

The western end of the Pacific Ocean! That's right Shell and that's a big gift he had to take some of us Mermaid's amd Mermen with him to start his kingdom from scratch. Didn't he take Mer from jails too?

That's mandatory when King Poseidon blesses you with a territory you have to take non-violent inmates with you give them job's with pay and help them be better Mer people.

Gifts with a contingency that's great mom. Girl let's go.

Shell flipped her tail switching to legs her mother joined her hurry we gonna miss the seahorses they charge a pearl more if they have to come back for us to make another trip across sea.

The mother daughter pair ran inside the bubble to make the tram. Shell and her mom along with the other maids pulled off their pants and underwear water filled the tram stop.

Tails flipped in the cool water as the women swam to the tram taking a seat for the thirty minute cross sea ride.

Shell stared out the window looking in the sand and coves to see if anything good washed up she could swim to and pick up later for sales.

Stop working before you work. Get off her back Coral. Thank you Lally. You're welcome Shell you ever find anything good?

Sure the further out you go in the void the more--

The void?! The women shouted you better stop Mermaid's get raped in the void. Or worse kidnapped and sold above the water to those filthy human's.

The women agreed. Shell's mom stared at her stay away from the void.

Okay mom geez. The women were let off at the various homes of high ranking Mer to clean or cook.

Shell and her mom were the last to get off at the Palace. Shell rubbed the Sea Horses head thank you. They nodded taking off for their last round before coming back in the evening. Shell and her mom put their pant's on since the prince had a dry drop off dock. If the house didn't have an indoor dry drop off dock then they had to float to the house and change.

The palace was huge and brightly lit. Shell stopped staring up at the prince's balcony. He floated on it eating breakfast alone reading his paper.

Her mom looked at her sadly she knew Shell wanted him. Stop doing that Shell. Doing what mom?

Coveting a Merman you'll never have baby. He's perfect mom tall on legs and fine as heck. That he is a vision just like his father.

Shell exhaled smiling a Mermaid can dream can't she mom?

Sure can dream while you help me cook for him.

Shell exhaled it's gotta get better then this she said to herself. Poseidon please help me this can't be all for me.

Please show me a better way help me through the ancestor's I pray Amen.

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