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Chapter 41

Cass held the trident Shell tossed to her running next door holding it on Aqua. Shell ran in holding the baby Cass no! Julias was screaming and crying clinging to shell Link grinned shoot him Cass. Cass do not do that Aqua is your Uncle and my husband when do we turn on family sis? Put the trident down.

The trident powered up obeying her upset Aqua pressed his chest into the glass globe of the trident he tilted his head to the left staring in her eyes daring her without saying a word. Cass struggling her body betraying her  turned the trident on herself holding it under her chin.  

Shell passed the baby to a guard no Aqua no! You are better then this don't let your anger get to you. Stop it Aqua her voice was low she didn't beg because Queens don't beg they command. That is what his merther told her over tea. She was afraid and never seen Aqua so angry the sea raged in the blues of his corneas. They turned counter clockwise while his outer eye rings remained still Shell wasn't sure he was there with her mentally.

Baby please she whispered she is your niece she is a fool who has no idea of her lineage forgive her ignorance...educate her wise king.  The trident powered down Aqua stomrmed next door shell followed him slamming the door shut.

What was that Aqua? That was me controlling the raging sea within me Mermaid NO ONE threatens me and lives!  Shell held Aqua from the back she rested her head on his back her head going up and down as he inhaled deep controlled breaths.

Shhhh Shhhhhh her tiny soft hands rubbed his large chest he closed his eyes falling into her therapy called love. What are you doing Mermaid?

Calming a stormy sea my love.

You better come clean Link! That's all you can do. Why? I'm going on trial a life in Mer Army or death. Aqua finished his lunch salt water and kissing session with Shell. He felt calmer don't let him make you loose control Aqua. Shell took a nap Aqua covered her with a blanket.

Aqua went next door to settle the arguments. What is going in here? Why are you all arguing with a known criminal? That's why I need my investigators one of my leads to extract information. The guards kneeled before Aqua we apologize for our insolence prince of ocean's.

Aqua cut his eyes leaving them kneeling he held up his hand the trident boomeranged to his palm from across the room Aqua cracked his neck. For some reason Link my new Queen has a soft spot for her country merman.

You will lead me to the lady maid and the Paige once I have them in my possession you may stay on land. I will clear your fugitive status ocean wide but I will burn your underwater antique trade agreements. My King you can't-

Can't! Do not let our land surroundings make you forget the presence of whom you are kneeling merman.  I will sweep down your beach front house in one nasty storm swipe and all you own away to the sea from which it all came.

Apologies my king. Cass rocked her son to sleep can my wife stay with me? Your wife is royalty one of Poseidon's royal lost line. I am not allowed to banish anyone holding the blood of his first wife.

My father would be cross with me your banishment has nothing to do with hers. Thank you Uncle. Do not thank me Cassiopeia thank your sister and rise you do not kneel before me you are my grand niece.

She rose thank you Uncle Aqua. He waved his hand take her next door so Mermen can speak business. Well? Link inhaled then exhaled yes my King.

Aqua twirled his finger's a yellow parchment appeared. He held his trident it glowed Aqua pointed it at the parchment. He whispered real low as he did so words left the trident appearing on paper. Read it Link.

I Link of Swarthy do hear by give up my trading rights with any member of the Oceans rivers lakes ponds swamps waterfalls dessert water pools or any body of water where Mermaid or Mermen may reside or any sea creature belonging to Poseidon.

I understand I am never allowed to return home to Swarthy located in the Caspian sea or any town city or village underwater owned by King Poseidon this also means if the mother of my child Princesses Casiopiea Poseidon decides to journey home I am not allowed to accompany her. If I do this will lead to my arrest and permanent service in the Army of King Poseidon of black water.

In exchange for my land freedom and release I will tell King Aqua Poseidon the where about of the two Mer involved in the poisoning of Queen Shell Poseidon. I understand if no arrests are made my deal becomes void.

Aqua handed him a motel flamingo shaped pen. Aqua sipped the water shell made umm what is that? He handed the glass to his Mermaid guard she smiled the humans call it honey my king.

Honey and salt? Yes my king humans like a salty sweet taste. They are correct go buy this honey to carry home. How many my lord cases? 20 cases. Yes my lord. I keep forgetting Shell is a chef. The best Uncle.  Aqua looked behind him in the doorway thank you for the reminder Cass. Anything for you Uncle.

My lord what shall you do when you run out of honey? The merchants find the cost not worth the Drackman therefore they will lie and say they can't secure it.

If I were to be your personal procurement officer I--

Silence Link the lies that spin off your tongue shall cease. Yes my lord. Sign. Link signed, the parchment rolled itself up disappearing before thier eyes.

Now..where is that bitch lady maid and bastard paige hiding migger?

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