Aqua and Shell who were formally married in a private ceremony with the celebratory one to be held in the sea spring solstice.
Shell sat on a the royal platform the same one she sat on with Aqua months ago when they first met. She held his hand as Bering sat on the witness stand his attorney asking the execution of treason death warrant be lifted off the table.
Aqua sat reading the response Persia's lawyers drafted in response to the complaint. Shell held baby Aqua as Cass rocked the other two guppies in human baby bassinets Albright went to get for her on a land expedition.
He was also appointed Queens guard by Aqua but Shell had him doubling as a nanny since she trusted no one. Persia was named as their god parent as was Cass and Link. Link stood in front of Aquas throne in commandeers garb. Aqua passed the request to Shell which shocked the Mermen of his cabinet.
Aqua inhaled this was a hard decision but he came to one. King Andreas Bering of Swarthy located in the Caspian sea. King of the Caribbean Caspian and salt water quadrants.
I find you guilty of treason and conspiring to kill the first born blood salt sea son of Poseidon and his Queen. I also find you guilty of helping lead king Tsunami Poseidon over the Grey common quadrant the first son of king Poseidon to his death.
Had you reported his thoughts of treason he may still be alive today as well as my Merther. Although evil seized his soul leading him down a dark path leading to his destruction, he was still my brother who possessed royal blood the blood of our God Poseidon and not yours to touch conspire or collaborate with in any way King Bering. Baby Aqua began to cry he opened his arms Shell lay him inside his embrace. Bottle? She passed him one Albright got from land since doctors advised she not breast feed because of her bought battling poison.
The room was quiet as he comforted his son. Shell read the complaint nodding yes at Persia. King Andreas Bering please rise for sentencing. Bering stood and Persia sat on the end of his seat anxiously. King Andreas Bering for your acts fore-mentioned you have been found guilty on all counts. I can not in good conscious execute you with all your knowledge as a born bred reigning royal. As you know there are underdeveloped quadrants in my kingdom. These quadrants like yours in swarthy are rich in minerals and other resources.
The common where the Grey Mermaids reside just lost thier king thanks to you. The Grey mermaids are a lawless people who will kill one another for one tenth of a dracman. They are defendants of black pirates thieving cut throats saved personally by King Poseidon from drowning in a ship wrecks. I have no idea why he allowed such unscrupulous humans to become Mermen but his wisdom surpasses mine.
This Quadrant is on a coast line a lot of ships wreck there naturally it is where sea storms are at it's worst thus the Grey tints of thier flesh and color less tails the sea is angry there and reflects its feeling upon the Mer.
When water crafts fall to thier demise the items secured are endless. The Grey Mermaids are the richest mermaids of all Quadrants yet they live like they are destitute. They do not build their Quadrant there are no stores shops or a castle mansions or palaces. The king my brother lived in a highly decorated oxygen pocketed underwater salt warm cave encompassed by lave behind cave walls.
King Andreas Bering you are sentenced to be king of the Grey mermaid quadrant. You are to not change the culture but to build there make it habitable so other Mer can visit bringing capitol to the Quadrant. Coral cried.
My lord the Quadrant is lawless and dangerous how can a royal go there and expect king Bering to survive such dangerous uncharted waters? Aqua inhaled and exhaled. Andreas Bering you are sentenced to live out your days in the Grey Mermaid Quadrant. You are not allowed to leave the Quadrant or travel without a signed travel order by me. If you do all Quadrants will know to kill you on sight unless you produce such document. You have 24 hours to pack your personal belongings. You will be escorted by my royal army and I will grant you three hundred of my army to help you execute my orders and commands and keep order. You will send every 30 days your plans and reports of progress and what work you've begun.

Melanin Mermaids A Black Mermaid Salty Sea Fantasy Mystery Adventure
FantasyIn the depths of the Caspian Sea, a mystical town called Seabum is home to a young black mermaid named Shell Swarthy. Her ancestors were enslaved Africans who miraculously survived the transatlantic slave trade by being thrown overboard, only to fin...