Chapter 43
So how did you meet Aqua Shell? I was his prisoner for five minutes when he saw me it was love at first sight. We were in each others arms and have been ever sense Shell explained the entire situation including how Link was involved. Why would he take Persia? Why would he do it at all Cass? Link is a loose cannon come back with us come see mama she is engaged to Bering and I have Aqua.
Im married to Link Shell. Here with the humans not with us sea under. You are high royalty higher then Persia and Bering Cass Bering kneeled before me. Cass' jaw dropped yes I am Queen of the sea since our Grand Poseidon has no legal wife you can be a part of any court or all of our courts why stay here I love you Cass Jules can be raised as the royal guppie he is please.
Shell I love Link I know he made mistakes but you can't help who you love sissy. I guess that's true and Aqua didn't say you can't trade so ill send you monthly care packages through Albright. Shell swabbed his head with ice water. You gonna miss your human friend? Yes he use to listen when no one else would. I will still listen my Queen. Don't start that mess Albright my name is Shell. Yes ma'am. Look Albright she moved the blanket Im not dreaming? No flap it. How? Like you are moving your toes. He did and screamed.
What? Hurts real bad. Shell called Aqua she told him what Albright said. Baby his legs are broken and metastasizing to the bones and veins in his tail he will hurt for months and he won't see his legs for a year they have to heal every bone in his legs and feet are shattered. Tell him do not try and move his tail not yet. Okay baby love you. Love you don't worry he will be better then ever in no time. You heard Albright? I did from way over here. Yes our hearing is good you will learn.
We are here King Aqua. He hopped out the van grabbing his trident a guard ran to Poseidon my king there is a sea salt pool out back. Thank you. The remaining guards combed the grounds they are all in there laughing looking at a movie totally off guard. Aqua lay his trident to the door a lightening bolt popped the electronic lock.
Aqua entered through the front he walked into the front room they we so into the movie that had no clue he was there. He choke held the maid in the stronghold bend of his arm. The Paige ran for the back door Aqua grabbed the trident off his back slamming the but of the trident to tbe floor.
The floor split open chasing the Paige out the door. He dived into the pool his tail betraying him turning something he didn't need right now. The crack followed him to the pool splitting it wide open. The water was violently sucked into the large dividing crack along with the paige who swirled down the unforgiving hole disappearing into the ground under the pool.
HELP ME! The paige yelled aloud screaming my king please. Debris and rocks cut his tail the salt water pool filled with pebbles blood dirt and Merman swearing.
The floor of the pool closed shut the water rose as clean as it was before it began. Surfer was in the submarine under the ocean half sleep BOOM! The pounding noise woke Surfer what in the name of Atlantis? Surfer walked to the back of the submarine the paige was locked up in a holding cell unconscious moaning in pain. Surfer grinned thank Poseidon we are going home soon.
Edward and Blu fell to thier knees Aqua tossed the maid to one of his guards honing in on Edward grab Princess Blu get them in the van so they can stand for a royal inquest.
Inquest?! Without a Mer attorney? Did you need an attorney when you directed your maid to kill my Queen? King Aqua you are mistaken I had nothing to do with it in swear by the old gods. I will see about that Princess the trident will draw your truth...and your lies.
Pop! Pop! Pop! Drop the princess and release my brother King Aqua! Come out where I can see you Merman. Edwards brother came out holding a mermaid guard around her neck a butcher knife to her jugular.
Aqua pulled the hatchet from his back tossing it into Edwards head splitting it in two nailing him to the wall behind him.
Ahhhh! Blu screamed blood every where. Aqua pulled the hatchet cutting his head off. They left the house hopping in the van Aqua tossed Edwards brothers head in his lap. See that? There is no room for games or lies.
When you feel a lie rolling off your tongue
Let your brothers head serve as a reminder that truth always prevails.

Melanin Mermaids A Black Mermaid Salty Sea Fantasy Mystery Adventure
FantasyIn the depths of the Caspian Sea, a mystical town called Seabum is home to a young black mermaid named Shell Swarthy. Her ancestors were enslaved Africans who miraculously survived the transatlantic slave trade by being thrown overboard, only to fin...