Siren Song

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Chapter 21

Father I won't marry her. You will marry her Persia its already been set in stone. No! Persia what has gotten into you? I love Shell always have the only reason I didn't say anything is because it would make us look divided. I love her not that swamp monster back at the palace.

Listen to me Persia sometimes you have to do things to protect the territories. If we join--

I know what we gain the west seas and what we have will make us powerful but she--

I know they misrepresented her Persia and i will speak with her father make him offer something for his treachery but you never spent time with the Mermaid not one day give her a chance not all Mermaids are born beautiful Persia.

Why do I have to end up with one? Persia please try. Persia shook his head yes thinking about shell quietly for the rest of the ride.

Shell showed to Links cell. What's happening Shell? Persia left with Bering l am here as Aquas guest I explained I need an escort so no one will speak bad of me if we married a Mermaid being alone with him and he agreed.

So I am your guard now? He scoffed Shell went to leave wait. What? Stay here then link who gives a fuck? Is that princess talk? He grinned.

Behave Link Aqua will kill you in a heartbeat understood? Yes princess he said grinning. Whatever guards please release him to my custody.

Shell went to meet Aqua in the training yard the Mer were fighting on legs on sand a weakness for many of them. Let me see Aqua teased pulling her dress. Later when we are alone she whispered making him laugh.

Let me see your feet as the sound of clashing weapons rang aloud. Link was excited and glued at their battle ways. A Merman with a foot fetish? A what? Humans who like a woman's feet. You suck toes when you have sex Aqua? He looked down she looked down its big.

Thats the human Penis you should see my porpa. Shell grinned do you suck toes? How did you know? You were turned on when you saw my painted toenails. How do you do that paint cant go on fins and when we change the color would come off Shell. My secret Aqua. 

He stared at her wiggling toes in the sand teasing him. Stop Shell. Stop what? She asked coy. I never saw a Mermaid with painted toes. Shell spread her toes in the sand Aqua closed his eyes low moaning .

Shell looked in his pants to a bulge gone replaced by a wet spot. She looked to him ummm candy licking her lips. Aqua grabbed Shell by her throat licking her lips she giggled Link moved to protect her.

It's okay Link. Let go you're causing a scene Aqua. He chuckled Siren songs don't work on me Mermaid. Men?! They kneeled before her has anyone heard a siren song come from me this day? They all said no. Carry on.

I don't need to use my song to woo you Migga. She licked his finger tips the Mermen watched grinning but kept training. You wanna change? No I want you to see what you did Shell. Hehe.

Persia returned to the palace tired he needed a hot bath and a good night sleep. His footman prepared dinner for he and the princess on the palace patio. Legs or tail Prince Persia? Legs the butler handed him a suit. No suit sweats. Prince Persia I--

Do as I instruct. Yes great Prince. Persia arrived late to dinner by fifteen minutes. The princess sat there wide eyed and concerned are you okay my prince? Noticing he was on legs and dressed inappropriate. Not apologizing for his lateness or dress code he slumped in a chair next to her instead of at the other end.

She grinned why are you so close Persia? Why should I be at the other end of the table? This is more personal and close up gives us a chance to really know one another don't you agree? She grinned with her lady Mermaid standing in the shadows. I guess.

How old are you Blu Iris? Im nineteen Prince Persia. Why are you marrying so late? She looked to her lady maid who shook her head no. Listen if we are to marry you have to always be 100% honest with me and I with you yes? Yes Persia. Then why aren't you married? Can't be your dowry is extremely generous and heavy since your father has no sons.

I am not pretty and my suitors keep returning me home Persia is that what you want to hear? If its the truth yes Blu. What about you? Why aren't you married?

Dowrys were never hefty enough or at least that was the excuse I used to stay a single Merman as long as I could. She giggled I have to say I enjoy single life as well sometimes Persia.

He grinned at her. Look at that he smiles she said making Persia laugh. The lady maid exhaled happy the ice finally cracked if not broken. Are you smart? I would hate for the guppies to have a mother who is not is not wise. Oh so you want a wise Queen, not one who sits quiet and sits nothing as her husband walks into an abyss of error and mistakes that could be avoided if he let her speak?  That was a lot. Hehe sorry.

To answer no I want a wife not a Queen there is a big difference. Really? I ve never heard that before Persia please share your wisdom. Well a Queen is what you said a piece on a chess board not a person who cares about her kingdom and all decisions made to govern that kingdom.

I don't need to say the lower quadrants are starving and hear let them eat cake. Hehe sorry but didn't a human queen say that? Yes ma'am of course she said she never said that I think she did.

I would ride there and speak with the officiates and see how we can resolve this issue fast. You would go personally? Will and have in the west sea there was a quadrant no fish wets getting to we figured it out the shark quadrant was not only eating their share but netting fish too.

They know that's forbidden. They are tiger sharks you know they only obey Poseidon so I had the Deity send a messenger that's my Deity father so he listened and they stopped oh boy were they upset she laughed sipping ice water. Persia smiled a Mermaid willing to get her hands dirty he liked it.

BLU! BLU! BLU! Persia looked to the door the guards were pushing a Merman back trying to get to her. Let him through. The dishelved merman walked on legs toward Blu Persia stood in front of her blocking his path. Who are you and what do you want?

I am Edward Meridian a common merman from the west red sea and I am Blu's husband.

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