Chapter 14
LET ME GO! Shell was filled with rage as the octopus made long even strides toward his lair PUT ME DOWN! Persia and Link went to the submarine to fire up the guns. Look! Link yelled looking past the net PERSIA WHAT IS THAT?
The black 30 foot Octopus saw the glow below tossing Shell angrily into the black sand. Shell! Persia floated with a harpoon gun to the sand Shell was bleeding he had to get her out the water before the sharks smelled blood. They were unreasonable once they smelled blood in the water they couldn't be reasoned with. Persia knew sharkee but they ignored you even though you knew thier language.
Persia knew all fish language but since Octopus had a language only known to Poseidon no Mer knew how to communicate with them. They were difficult so when the octopus dropped Shell Persia was shocked.
Baby are you okay? I hit my head Persia. Come baby. Wait! The glow. Persia pushed his hand in the sand the glow stopped.
Persia floated over in her hips she touched the dark sand and again it glowed. There Persia.
She he dug with his bare hands while she kept her hand on the sand so the item could keep glowing.
I got it baby. Persia grabbed whatever it was under the stand FUCK! What? Look an eel sting. Is there an eel under the water Shell directed her headlight to shed light on the sand.
I don't see electricity sparks under the sand Persia do you? No baby we gotta go sharks.
Shell tried one last time I got it! I got it!
Persia backed up smiling no fucking way! The Mer couple swam fast to the sub. Link used a harpoon stick to keep the sharks trying to float in at bay.
Shell's tail was cut and her lower back above her fin line. Link saw what they almost lost their lived over his eyes were huge as two half dollars.
Without though and in a self induced money trance he reached out trying to touch the find which shocked him pushing him back on his ass.
Link! Link! He sat up shaking his head smiling no damn way. The trio stared at their find enamoured.
We cant sell it so this does not count and you both know that, no Merchant Buyer will buy it not even on the underground Persia advised.
The only thing we can do is return it. You're saying that because that's your GodMer. I'm saying it because GodMer or not that's all of our asses.
Shell floated to it. No Shell Link yelled. She looked at him I'll take that
under advisement Link sucking her teeth rolling her eyes like land men.She picked it up again and was not shocked by it.
The globe powered up let it go SHELL! It's powering up! It will blow this sub apart! She let go and the globes light dyed down.
No way Link said it must be broken. Haha Persia laughed it was forged in the Royal Armory how can it be broken fool? Do you see one ounce if rust moss or sea smudge on it? Yet it's been buried for centuries.
I can tell it's very old the craftmanship is 16th century Mer according to the artifacts in the Merseum.
If it obey's Shell's touch Persia stared at her smiling that can only mean one thing baby. What Persia?
Your have Poseidon's Blood.

Melanin Mermaids A Black Mermaid Salty Sea Fantasy Mystery Adventure
FantasyIn the depths of the Caspian Sea, a mystical town called Seabum is home to a young black mermaid named Shell Swarthy. Her ancestors were enslaved Africans who miraculously survived the transatlantic slave trade by being thrown overboard, only to fin...