Chapter 17

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"So", Mark exclaimed, "I have a spare room just over there that you can sleep in",
"Oh sure, thanks a lot!" I said.
We edited the video and did some funny adjustments before he posted it to Youtube. Immediately the angry fangirl comments started reeling in.
"Is that his girlfriend?!?"
"She looks like a slut!"
"He's too good for trash like her!"

He saw me looking at the comments.
"Don't mind them (y/n), you're beautiful! It might just take them some time to adjust, thats all." He said sweetly
I sighed.
The hardcore fangirls would never get over this! Oh well, gotta develop a tolerance to hate I suppose.

Later on, we were sitting on his sofa when we decided we would watch a movie.
"You pick," he said.
I ran over to his horror movie collection and squealed.
"You've got all the classics! Oh.. I know what we're watching... THIS!"
"SAW?! Uh, are you sure?"
I laughed.
"Oh now, we're not getting SCARED are we Mark?"
His face went white.
"W-what? Psh, no, I never get scared. I was worried about you, thats all."
I rolled my eyes in a "Riiiiiiiight" way. I flicked the DVD on. When I sat back down Mark put his arm around my shoulder. I smiled. I rested my head on his chest and I shrivelled up at the really horrible parts.
I was really excited by the time the movie ended, I loved the twist at the end!
"I absolutely love this movie!" I said.
"I agree. I think this calls for the sequel."

So we watched the second one. Even worse than the first with the horror. Then followed by the third. By the fourth I got really sleepy.. Really super sleepy... Like... Foggy.. Mm.. Agent Strahm.... Wahna play game Marhk?? Mahrk what.. Huh? Sleep..y..... Gonna.. Sleep.. Now..

I woke up the next morning in the spare bedroom with the covers tucked in around me.
OH GOD I FELL ASLEEP ON MARK!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! OH THIS IS EMBARRASSING WOW.... But god I'm hungry, screw embarrassment I'm gonna go get some food.
Mark was in the kitchen making pancakes. They smelled amazing. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and his hair was all ruffled and messy.
"Morning sleepy head", he laughed.
"Smells good.. Yum, fooooooooooood!"
"It'll be ready in a sec."
I walked over behind him and stood watching him.
"Need anything?" He asked.
"No, just the beauty of food."
"Patience, god! It will be ready in five minutes!"
I laughed.
"Fine, fine. I'll just sit here and be hungry until then."

Let Me Go With You, Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now