Chapter Two

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(a/n not me realizing I actually forgot Toph....I feel so ashamed of myself. And y'all couldn't even remind,tch anyways go back to "characters" to see Toph's aesthetic)


Third person POV
Katara threw her back sighing contently, after a long day the warm water felt nice on her skin as her both her arms rested on the side of the bath.

The atmosphere was soothing and relaxing, it has been a while she felt at peace before. She hadn't seen Zuko all day and she couldn't tell wether it was a good or bad thing. Not seeing Zuko during the day meant he was extremely busy and she would get a visit from him in the night.

Well it was already 9:35pm and she had prayed and hoped he wouldn't come tonight.

Taking a notice that the water had gone cold she stepped out of the tub being extra care so she wouldn't trip herself.

She wrapped a pink fluffy towel around her chest and strolled over to her closet.

She did her skin care routine before, she picked out a pair of white lace panties and slid them over her butt then opted for a pair of black sports bra accompanied by some black shorts

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She did her skin care routine before, she picked out a pair of white lace panties and slid them over her butt then opted for a pair of black sports bra accompanied by some black shorts.

She did her skin care routine before, she picked out a pair of white lace panties and slid them over her butt then opted for a pair of black sports bra accompanied by some black shorts

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She put her hair in a messy bun before deciding to go to bed. Katara plugged her charger into her phone before climbing into her bed. Sitting up she pulled her blanket over her and leaned over to switch off the lights but froze when she heard her door opening.

Swallowing the lump in her throat she turned towards her door and her blues eyes meet with a pair of cold amber eyes.

Feeling her anxiety rise up as he walked towards her bed, she hoped he was sober or at least didn't come here with any ridiculous accusations.

The matress dip under his weight and Katara took the time to study her fiancé He was wearing a simple black button up shirt with a pair of black trousers. His hair was put into a man bun with a few strands left out.

"Hi Kitten" he greeted as he took the initiative to caress her cheeks. Katara tried her very best not to recoil at his touch.

"Hi" she whispered softly letting her gaze fall to her trembling hands. He obviously wasn't here to falsely accuse her so that was good. But she still couldn't just relax, she could never relax when she with Zuko.

Them being together behind close doors also didn't help. All she wanted was for him to leave. The room was suddenly too small for two people and she had began to feel suffocated.

Suddenly Zuko took her into his arms wrapping his hands around her waist and buried his face at the crook of her next taking a big wiff of her Cocoa butter scent.

The Brunette whole body went stiff..... She was not used to Zuko doing well..... What he was doing, and To be honest she didn't want to get use to it.

Every part of her body was screaming at her telling her to push him away. But she was too afraid to of consequences. Fear.... That was what governed this relationship. Constantly being afraid to talk to other men that aren't him Aang or Sokka.

The fear of Zuko killing someone just because she exchanged a few words with him.

The biggest fear of all was getting married. She didn't.... She didn't want to get married at least not to Zuko. But at least the king said it was up to her to decide when they get married. But how long was she going to stall this marriage?

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Oh how she wished she could just evaporate into thin air.

Finally Zuko let go then proceed to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Princess" he gave her tight lipped smile before exiting the room.

Princess..... She didn't feel like a princess. She was trapped in this relationship, but who could she tell. She couldn't tell anyone. She was just the daughter of a guard.

The fact that the king took a liking to her didn't change that.

But at least with Zuko out of her room she could breathe now. And with a tired sigh she turned off her lights and laid down on her bed. Letting darkness consume her as she forgot about her problems.

Short chapter I know. I'm just really lazy sorry.🥺

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Till next time

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