Chapter six

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And mostly important afraid.

Several emotions clouded her mind as she droved to her destination.

"I love you"

She stepped on the accelerator harder.

He mashed his lips against hers.

She changed the gear.

"You think he doesn't have people watching you? he's going to find out, even if I don't tell him"

She gripped the steering wheel so hard her knuckles turned white.

Finally arriving at her destination, which was a cliff, she was relieved to find him sitting at the ledge.

She hastily unbuckled her seat belt, if it was possible the girl would have teleported out of the car.

"Haru!" Katara called out him slamming her car shut.

"Thank God you're okay" she breathed out approaching him but stopped as the make Rose up from the ground and turned around to face her.

His hair was in a messy bun with serval strands falling over his face.

His eyes were red and a bit swollen, obviously he had been crying. Katara could tell he was in distraught. What happened?

With great difficulty she managed to push the bile down her throat.

"Haru..." She whispered like she didn't want to scare him away.

"Katara... I'm scared" Haru finally spoke up and Katara didn't miss the quiver in his voice.

"Hey everything is gonna be alright okay?" She lied through her teeth,deep down,deep down she knew nothing was going to be alright.

"NO! It's.... It's not gonna be okay... He has my....fuck...he has my family Katara" tears gushed out of his eyes, rolling down his face.

At that Katara froze. She knew Zuko was well... passionate but would he really go as far to harm innocent people? That was just pure lunacy.

Yet again,fear overcame her as she watched Haru take a step back.

"Haru don't" she took a step to get closer to him but he put his hand out in front him shaking head.

"Please don't..... Don't come closer" he pleaded.

"Okay,I won't just..... Damnit Haru! Just come to me,I promise we will save your family" Katara didn't know how they would do that but it didn't matter at the moment,she would say anything right now to stop Haru.

The boy shook his head vigorously,more tears spilling from his eyes.

"I always knew it wouldn't end well..."


"Still,I stupidly acted on my feelings...."


"You don't even feel the same way...."


"Now I'm going to die"


"Because of love"

He was once again at the edge, and a few rock fell from under his weight.

Katara shook her head as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
This isn't happening, this cannot be happening!

"Haru, just move away from the edge, alright? We'll.... We can figure this out!" She tried,she tried so hard to convince him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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