Chapter Four

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Third person POV:
"Fuck it up girlfriend"Toph cheer for Azula as she danced around a strip pole with a glass of whiskey in her hand.

She leaned back extending her leg in the air, and accidentally spilled her drink on a man who was sitting down in the process.

"Ugh, get down from there skinny ass bitch" he hissed trying to clean himself up.

"Excuse me?" Azula stopped dancing and faced the man while Katara, Toph , Sokka and Ty Lee, who were sitting on the couch opposite of the him knew the man was indeed fucked.

"I said get down from there, dumb slut" he propped his legs on the table and placed his hands at the back of his head.

"Bitch got a motherfucking death wish" Sokka whispered to the Toph.

"Okay" Azula said with a smile before bending her knees then jumping of the stage landing directly on his legs, you could hear his bones crack.

He shouted and the music stopped playing and the whole club went silent.

"You broke my leg!" He exclaimed before groaning in pain. Azula let out a chuckle standing up them sitting down on his leg "oh boo hoo" she tapped his cheek twice before going to seat next to Ty Lee.

"Don't call me dumb I got a PHD motherfucker!" She yelled glaring at him.

"Miss Alexander" a voice came and they all turned their head to see Mr Grey,Mr Beifong partner who helped him open up this club.

"Yes"Azula flashed a toothy grin.

"That was my driver" the music had turn back up and everyone had gone back to minding their business

"Looks like you're gonna need a new one"

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't cause any injures to anyone else, please do give your uncle my greetings" he said respectfully not wanting to upset anyone in the royal family.

He disappeared into the crowd leaving them alone.

"Did you have to do that?" Katara questioned, realising an exhausted sigh, it had been only an hour since they arrived and Azula had injured three people in the span on sixty minutes.

"That bitch had it coming"


"Whatever, I'm going to the bathroom"She informed them before she standing up.

"You want me too come with you?" Azula asked.

"No, it's alright I'll be back" Katara responded before walking away from them.

"Call me if you need me to punch someone!" Azula yelled and Katara let out a chuckle before yelling an "okay" back.

She pushed through the crowd of half naked women and horny men. Not looking where she was going she crash into someone who held her bare shoulders to stop her from falling.

"You're alright beautiful?" His voice was rough, deep and sent chills down her spine.( not the good one🙄)

She looked up at the stranger and her eyes were met with a 5'10 male with tanned skin, brown shaggy hair that stopped at his shoulders with dark brown eyes. He was wearing a simple black button up long sleeve shirt, tucked into a matching pair of black slack pants,topped off with a pair of black loafers.

"I'm fine, thanks" she quickly shrugged his hands off and walked away from his sight, she did not like the vibes she got from him.

Katara opened the bathroom door letting two giggling girl stumble their way past her. Leaving her alone, the sounds of her heels clacking against the tiled floor filled the bathroom as she strolled to the last stall.

After she finished easing herself, she made sure to flush before going out of the stall to wash her hands. But while Katara was washing her hands the same man from the dance floor walked into the bathroom, this time with a cigarette in-between his lips.

Now Katara was fully creeped out, he didn't seem drunk so surely he didn't walk into the girls bathroom by mistake.

She shoved her hand into her purse bringing out her phone.

"Are you lost orrr....?" Katara asked acting like she was sending a text but in reality she was dialing Azula number, but unfortunately she didn't pick up.

The strange man didn't answer so she decided to just walk past him while dialing Aang number.

Just as she was about was to walk past him she felt his strong rough hands grabbing her by her wrist shoving her into the bathroom wall making her purse and phone fall into the ground in the process.

Katara couldn't even catch her breath when the man came onto her wrapping his calloused fingers around her neck.

"Get of m-" she was about yell when he brought a knife up to her neck.

"Shut up" He said through gritted teeth.Petrified,Katara obeyed sealing her mouth shut.

"Katara Riverson" He removed the cigarette from hip lips mushing it up against the wall right next to katara's head. The went ahead to toss it on the floor.

"Can't Believe Zuko has been keeping someone like you all to himself, greedy bastard" He traced her features with his knife, from her jawline down to her plump lips and Katara closed her holding her breath hoping someone, anyone would come to her recuse.

"It'd be a shame to just kill a beauty like you, why don't we have a little fun?" A wicked grin appeared on his face and Katara felt a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Please" she whispered but The Man shushed her digging the knife a little bit deeper into her skin.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle" Katara could feel memories surfacing as she felt his lips against her bare shoulder.

"You're mine, do you understand that? Mine!" Zuko said before smashing his lips against Katara's ignoring how much she shoved his chest, she bite his lower lip ,hard! But immediately regretted it when she saw the feral look in his eyes.

A whimper escaped her lips as the man dug his teeth into her flesh.

"Zuko please... Ah!" Katara moaned in pain feeling Zuko teeth penetrate her flesh.

"Now people will know you're mine" And she whimper as he use his tongue to clean up the blood dribbling down her shoulder.

She could feel it, she was no longer breathing no matter how hard she tried, everything was blurry, the man voice was distant, she heard something like a gun shot? After that she could no longer feel the man's body on her.

Her legs gave up, and she crashed to the floor. Katara placed her hand on her chest trying to breath, why couldn't she breath!

And why the hell was the room spinning?!

"-tata.... Hey.... okay.... Listen...." She could hear someone trying to talk to but she couldn't comprehend the words. And finally her eyes gave up gave up but before her body came in contact with the floor, Aang caught her.

Hey y'all ( nervous laughter)
So I'm back, again.... Hopefully this time for Good.

Who else remember that scene from birds of prey🌚

Please comment and vote🤲🏾❤️

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