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"Can you believe the Varsity team? They threw our clothes in the shower. Banks didn't say anything!" Eurydice complained to Dean over the phone.

Dean chuckled, "Huh Banks's being a real cake eater now isn't he?"

"Ya but the way Charlie hated him is too much for me, I still like Banks to be honest." Eurydice sighed, remembering the time he helped her.

Dean scoffed, "Seems pretty reasonable to me."

Eurydice furrowed her eyebrows, confused at the stand Dean had about Banks, he hasn't been in Eden Hall and has never talked to Banks post Varsity, "Why? Banks is still Banks."

"Sounds to me like he's become a stuck up cake eater. I don't get why you're defending him. He watched as those Varsity dudes soaked your clothes." he insisted.

"He's a freshman, the rest of them are seniors, he's not in the safest environment is he?"

There was a long silence on Dean's end, "Why do you keep defending him? Why are you protecting him? First Fulton's in your room, now you defend Banks after he screwed you guys over."

Eurydice felt her heart fall out of her chest and her stomach drop, she didn't understand why Dean kept on accusing her of cheating. She was just defending her friend, she was friends with them, why did she feel guilty. Eurydice did absolutely nothing wrong, she didn't cheat on him physically or emotionally, so why was she so guilty?

Eurydice didn't realise how silent she was until Dean's voice was heard once again, "Well? Eurydice?"

She wiped a tear off her face, Eurydice didn't even realise that her eyes were watering.

What was she crying about? What did she have to cry about? She did nothing wrong.

"I can't believe you. What is up with you? Do you not trust me that much? I have never asked you a question like that, I have never accused you. And you're the one alone in Chicago." Eurydice stated, trying to not let her voice waver. The last thing she needed was Dean hearing her hurt about it.

She did nothing wrong, she did not need to be affected by any of it.

"You're the one close to ten guys who are clinging onto your every word." Dean spat.

Eurydice scoffed and hung up, there was no way in hell she was going to dignify Dean's accusations with a response.

With each breath she took, the more she started to heave. Eurydice sat down on the side of her bed and tried her best to calm herself down but her tears were like waterfalls.

What did she do? What did she say? Was she a bad girlfriend? There must be a reason why Dean was angry with her. He was trying so hard to stay in contact the past few months, he was the one calling her the whole time, maybe he just didn't feel appreciated by her.

He was trying so hard with the relationship, taking time out of his schedule to listen in to her game and there she was defending somebody who went along with a cruel prank.

A light knock was heard, making Eurydice hurriedly wipe away her tears and clear her throat, "Hold on!"

Eurydice went to the door and whipped it open, expecting Julie to have forgotten her key again but to her surprise it was Fulton.


Fulton's face scrunched up, "Hey...is everything okay? Did something happen? You look like you've been crying."

ACCEPTANCE -DEAN PORTMANWhere stories live. Discover now