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"Daddy, how about another story before we go to bed?"

"Sure son, why not? Let's travel back in time, to a place called Matanceros."


"Yes, Matanceros. A very powerful kingdom which made history because of its powerful king..... no, it wasn't the king. It was its crown."

"Its crown?"

"Yes son, its crown. Alright boy, listen now. Matanceros was a very beautiful kingdom without a king, but they lived peacefully, no one knew how. They worshipped the Moon god, who lived up in the sky. One day at a very special ceremony, a crown appeared from the skies and descended on a little boy's head. Thinking it was from their god, the little boy, Matano, was crowned king of Matanceros at the tender age of eight. Matano ruled the kingdom with so much wisdom, to the surprise of the people, but what they failed to realize was that the crown was an object of wisdom itself. The people did not also know one thing, that before King Matano died, he discovered that the power of the crown, to some extent, could be destructive. This was why he banned its usage by hiding it in an underground cave in his magnificent palace. It is said that,the crown will forever be there, until the destined possessor comes for it."

"But Dad, who is the destined possessor?"

"That still remains a mystery."

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