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                          Chapter 4
JEAN-PAUL MARCO, 1956-1992, the grave read. The EW logo, displaying a man holding a flaming eyeball in both hands was boldly carved above the name on the grave. It really inspired Pierre a lot; it pushed him to keep digging deep. The flaming eyeball in the man's hands represented the EW's voracious desire to look for more. And that was exactly what Pierre was going to do, find the Crescentia. Find more.
Fascinated by one of the many wreaths surrounding the ornate grave ,he sat on it and began to study it. It was a beautiful blend of roses, daffodils, tulips, chrysanthemums arranged in a round shape.
With sturdy fingers, he lifted the wreath from beside him and placed it on his laps.

     "You know what, Jean", he said to the wreath, "you could have avoided all this, and we would have come up with a plan to make the Crescentia ours together. But no, you were too loyal." He picked out a rose from the wreath and began to rid it of petals.

     "I tried to explain everything I knew to you, but you wouldn't listen. You wanted to save the world, become a hero, then what?" He laughed.

     "Die a hero?" He was disintegrating the different yet amazingly united petals more violently now, as his mood turned into anger.

     "Since we both joined EW, did you ever hear of Davis McCarthy more than twice? Tell me! You were too naive to realize that heroes ceased to be heroes among the living when they departed from their world. I wish I never had to kill you, I wish we could still be friends, so we could -"
He paused as he heard footsteps crushing the dead leaves and a rustle in the bushes behind him.

     "Who's there?"
No answer, more crunching and rustling then silence. Placing back the half wreath on the grave, he said silently, "I'll be back soon, brother."

Everyone had left as soon as Jean-Paul's body was laid down. Not even his family was seen lagging about; they had left with Susan in his car, just as he told them to. Walking home alone after the funeral was not such a bad idea after all, contrary to Susan's opinion. The night's warmth was moderate, enough to make you want to stay in it. Here, he was free to think about the Crescentia.
     "How much power will it give me?" He thought aloud. "Will I be able to create like a god?" Maybe I could rule the Earth."
His thoughts crowded his memory and eyes and he almost tripped. The pitch black sky dotted with a few distant stars was no match for the moon, which seemed to be shining brighter than the sun. It was the last quarter. Sooner or later, the wanting crescent will appear and it would be time for him to leave for Matanceros.
When he finally arrived at home, Susan was already in bed, and his dinner was already on the table. He gave the food a hard long stare and wolfed it down in a few minutes.
     "I never knew talking to the dead made one so hungry." He thought.
After a long cold shower, he retired to bed. He woke up with a pounding headache. The night before, he hardly slept, for thoughts about the Crescentia drummed through his head. The pain was excruciating, but he had to go to EW; he knew Mr. Andres had to speak to him.
     "Fire! Fire, Miya fire!"
That was Flynn. Miya finally agreed for them to meet and it looked like she was receiving her first training. She fired five more times, and her long, silky brown hair, which had been tied up in a bun fell back and flowed all the way down to her waist. She stopped.

     "Flynn, can't we rest for a while? I feel the power being drained out of me."

     "No", said a voice from behind. Kiko had been standing at the door leading to the backyard of the house. This time he was not in his usual outfit, faded Jean's and a T-shirt, but he was wearing equally faded overalls, which she found a little charming. Stray locks of his usually disheveled hair had fallen into his face, hiding part of his blue eyes. Miya flushed and she cursed herself. She always blushed anytime he was around.

     "What?" She struggled to fix her eyes on him without turning red.

     "You heard me right. Keep training. That sea has more that you think it has."

With a fiery rage, she began to hurl fireballs at every target, with more agility than ever. Kiko smiled. The more she hit, the more the targets appeared and closed in her. Within a few minutes, the yard was clear of them and she was on the ground, panting. The scorching sun burnt but she was oblivious to it. She was already drenched. Without a word, she disappeared into the house to rid herself of the training clothes.
On her way back to meet Flynn, she heard footsteps following. She spined around with a single quick move and she was standing face to face with Kiko. He touched her shoulders lightly and the fire rose up to her cheeks again as she forced down a smile.

     "Miya, listen. There is something I have to tell you."
This time she felt asthmatic. All the oxygen in her was being sucked out by some unknown creature. Unable to bear the suffocating suspense any longer, she grabbed the collar of his shirt with both hands and kissed him. He thawed quickly to her surprise and grabbed her waist, pulling their bodies closer. It went on and on and on, until -
     "Miya, Miya?"

Oh no. She was hallucinating again. And this time it was right before his eyes.

     "Um,.....Oui?", was all she could utter.
He frowned, sending a clear message.

     "Sorry, Yes?"

     "I was saying, the crescent moon will appear very soon and Matanceros will celebrate once again. This is why we have to act fast." These last words were said with a sad tone.
He turned to leave when he stopped midway.
     "You did well today."

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