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                 Chapter 6
"Should I inform Mr. Andres?". He asked his inner self. He thought he heard a yes but immediately his mind was telling him something else. There were the words "die" and "he" in the letter and the questions were definitely going to be "who died? and who killed him?"

Disgruntled, he replaced the paper and took the box to his room, placing it under the bed. A gust of wind blew through the window, carrying dust along with it. He began to pace the room when Susan stepped in.
Unaware of her husband's state of mind at the moment, she reached out for his shoulders from behind him.

"Pierre." He almost jumped. He turned to face her with a frown so serious that Susan had to take her hands back to her side.

"What? You scared me."

"Actually, I wanted to speak to you about something."
He run his hand through his messy hair and began to pace the room again.

"Susan, listen. This is not the right moment. I have a lot on my hands now. Can we talk later?"

She almost slapped him. The issue she was about to apprise him of was very vital to their lives and was choose to ignore her just like that?

Without thinking twice, she blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

He thought he heard a joke, for a smile began to form on his lips which later played out in a disingenuous laughter. His eyes dilated when she confirmed her earlier statement with a nod, placing both hands on her tummy. That was when Pierre noticed the gentle bulge which was begining to form over there.

"When did you realize this?", he enquired, not taking his eyes of her stomach.

     "Just yesternight."

He sank into the chair next to him. How was he to react to this news? He could not blame it all on her too, because he had, and still has a part to play.

"Well, won't you say anything?"
Raising his gaze to meet hers, he murmured, "Yes, that's good news. I think right now you need to rest. Is there anything you need?"

With an affirmative nod, she replied, "Just a glass of water and....... and someone to talk to, which means you, Pierre."
In the kitchen, he just did not know what to do. The joy of becoming a father mixed up with the anger at having one more person to disrupt the progress of his mission.

"Do you want me to read to you?" he asked as he handed her the glass fun of water and began to look through their bedside shelf.

"In the land of Utopia, everyone felt free to do anything and be anything. It was in this land that Carrie wanted to live. She wanted to create her own Utopia in their home, where she and her brother were free to do anything. Her urge to do this was fuelled by dead grandma's words, 'Create your own world, no matter the situation.' Her parents were very different from her grandma - they were so overprotective. She saw them as dark shadows that sequestered her light from shining. She saw them as........"

He stopped and closed the book. The room was dead silent, except the gentle snores emanating from Susan's sleep. He covered her up in the blanket on the bed and quickly exited the room, feeling like "Carrie" who wanted to create her own world and disappear into it, forever.

A gentle knock on the door woke her from her slumber and everyone - Kiko, Flynn and the twins - barged in, all wearing worried expressions. Kiko stood at the edge of the bed while the others sat, his creased forehead displaying clearly the disturbed look he wanted to hide.
His gaze met Miya's and time stopped for a while, allowing them to gaze into each other's souls. Kiko's blue eyes blinked and Miya looked down in shame, wondering how to apologize for her kamikaze action which almost endangered their lives.

"Um...... Kiko, may I speak to you for a second?", she said sitting up on the bed. He nodded, and she began to speak.

"S'il vout plait, je désolé - "
Flynn looked down, the twins started to giggle and she realized her mistake.

"I mean, I'm sorry. It was all a mistake. I didn't know what exactly was happening. I was completely lost. I was -".

He nodded and smiled slightly making her pause. She exchanged the smile and quickly looked down to hide her cheeks which were becoming hot and equivalent to the pink sheets on the bed.

Kiko stepped forward.

"Flynn, boys, can you give us some time alone?"
She shifted on the bed as the boys scurried out of the room, their snickering getting louder.

There was an awkward silence in the room and Miya could do nothing but stare at the edge of the bed, until she felt a tug on her arm. Before she could realize it, Kiko had pulled her into a hug the feeling was - oh so - magical. She did not know what she was doing but she pushed herself closer to his, moulding their bodies together.

Kiko muttered, running his hands through her silky hair, "Now say it. Tell me. I know you want to. Tell me about everything that happened."

She told him everything about the dream - every detail - that she even wanted to share every part of her with him.
He pulled himself slowly away from her and whispered in an assuring tone, "I don't know where these dreams are from, but I assure you I will get to its roots. Just don't fail to tell me everything."

Moving his hands from her shoulders he gently cupped het already wet cheeks and planted a mild kiss on her lips. Miya could do nothing but freeze in shock.

He stood up to leave, but not before he gave her a gentle squeeze on her palm and said, "It'll be alright. Trust me."

The woods that stretched to eternity behind the abode if the Rebel Gang was more than beautiful. It was in this place that Kiko was free to be himself. The trees, the wild animals, the birds - this was his home.
He dragged his feet in the dirt till he reached one particular tall tree, which stood out among the others.
Divesting himself of clothes, he stopped low to the bas e if the tree and was replaced by a magnificent golden eagle. He quickly took off into the air, flapping his mighty wings and filling the air with a screech so loud that one could hear it from miles away.

He soared higher and higher, till he stood at the peak of Kimara - the only mountain in Slashers. Claiming the sky once again, he did a few round s a went back down as Kiko.

He placed his right palm on the bark of the tall tree and instructed, "Tell me everything you know."

A bright light suddenly emanated from the tree and Kiko immersed himself in it. He closed his eyes and the vision appeared to him.

He saw Miya, from when she was young to when her powers were discovered. He saw how her parents abandoned her at the fright of her powers. He watched how she joined the Rebel Gang and how she became happy, forgetting her past life. Then a voice began to play in his memory.

"The ghosts of her dead parents have seen the importance of Miya's powers and want to apologize and reconcile with her. The want her to restore her name, Petunia and forgive them. They want her to be happy again, so their souls will cease to be restless. They want her......"

Kiko opened his eyes. Everything was clear to him now. It was through her parents that he was able to create an effigy of Miya holding a petunia. It had just appeared to him like a vision.

From her actions the previous time, it was obvious she still harboured a resentment and scorn for her parents, despite her ignorance. It was going to be very hard to get her to understand.

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