🌞~ ʂeven

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🌞- Music: Blur - Stellar
A perfectly ironed ivory shirt, expensive tailored trousers and a silver tie. This is what had befallen Regulus Black's eyesight when he had begun to get ready for his very first slug club dinner.

"This is quite formal Reg" chimed Barty Jr.
"It is a formal dinner with the best of the best Bartemius, and as Heir Black it's my responsibility to always look my best". Replied Regulus.
"Still. The tie is just going way over the top"
"I doubt so"
"Must everything be about your parents?" Asked Barty, as he hung so slightly off the edge of the black and grey cladded bed, messing up what was neatly laid out previously.
"Not everything is about them. I just respect myself. Unlike 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 people" Regulus stated, hinting not so subtly towards whom he was referring.
"Goodness. Just abandon the tie, you will still look so formal in your fancy, designer clothes" Barty retorted to which Regulus let out a small chuckle before deciding to start getting himself ready, giving himself two hours total.

Once Regulus had finished getting dressed properly, he stared intently at himself in the mirror, noticing something about his appearance was slightly off, not quite able to place what it was, however.
His shirt was creaseless, perfectly tucked into his smart trousers (which fit him perfectly). He had his tie, also perfectly knotted up. So why wasn't everything perfectly put together?
"You look like you're in your school uniform mate"
"How crude choice of words Barty. I'm not your 'mate'. Anyways, I look well dressed not like 'I'm going to school' thank you very much" Regulus scolded all the while noticing Barty's eye roll.

"Let me fix this" Barty said as he began making a move towards Regulus.
As Barty reached him, he began to undo Regulus' tie and top two buttons of his shirt.
"Woah, back up. Hands off" Regulus shoved Barty backwards, not forcefully but enough for him to not be so close.
"You look much better now. Just remove the tie, fix your hair and get your shoes on."
"I don't need help from you. I know how to dress myself."

As Regulus turned back towards the mirror to glance at his appearance, he noticed it was much more better without his tie, much to his dismay. Something seemed a little bit wrong still, However. Maybe it was just simply the choice of clothes, he was too used to them, it seemed far too ordinary. Although it was presentable, it was not to his liking.
With that, he dug into his set of drawers for a new choice of clothes. After about five minutes of searching, he pulled out a new shirt, finally, deciding on keeping the trousers, (they fit him too nicely he thought).
After another minute, Regulus stood once again in front of his mirror, tucking away any creases his shirt had left in his trousers. Stepping back slightly, he looked over himself approvingly: a black turtle neck shirt and the same tailored trousers.
"Well, I must say you do look way better than before"
"I can see that for myself, but thank you for the compliments. Now I must go and sort my hair out, merlin knows how long it would take for that to stay put."

And like that, he headed his way towards the bathroom to go and tame the curls, to which his hair had decided would not like to stay neat (not quite as messy as James Potter's though, he still had to look presentable. Not as if he had just faced death itself and still turned up to schooling).
Taking a brush, Regulus began to separate the curls, raking it over his head until he realised that it just made the hair situation worse and he is simply left with a puffy head of hair. Frizzy and so unkempt. How disgraceful.
In an attempt to fix this mess, some small clump of gel was ran and lathered between Regulus's fingers. Warmed up, he ran the gel through his hair, scrunching it so slightly until his curls were evidently there but not quite as puffy nor messy as they had been previously. He just had to hope that the gel would not make his hair crunchy like the gel he had witnessed one Lucius Malfoy using, oh how awful that must feel for him. A feeling of disgust ran through Regulus in the form of a shiver, oh how the thought disturbed him in a way he could not explain.
Deciding he had an hour left to get himself ready and at the potions professor's classroom, Regulus turned back to grooming his hair.

𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜 (𝙹𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚞𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now