Ch. 5

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Dashi POV

I finally faced my fears and decided to go to school, which I hoped wouldn't be a disaster after all.

I had hope and just needed to remember three things.

1. Ignore Danielle no matter what.

2. if Danielle interrupts conversation, then just make up a lie.

3. If Danielle is really that annoying, jut ignore Shellington all together.

I winced at the last one. Shellington was one of her best friends, and loved being around him. They had common interests, like marine animals, exploring, etc. But if it was to the point of getting rid of Danielle, then yes, she would have to do it.

The walk to school wan't that long, but everyone didn't seem to notice me as I walked quietly in the hall. Or that was until Tweak noticed me, and yelled "Look, Dashi's back!"

The room become quiet, and probably all of high school turned to look at me. It didn't even take that long as people were flooding towards me, asking if I was fine, and why I had stayed home.

The first two classes were fine. Social Studies, and Science, but we had electives after that-To anyone who doesn't know what electives are, they're sort of like classes you pick for two halves of the year. There is A day and B day, but this is only what they do in my school.

he day was going fine, just fine. at lunch, Dashi had discovered that Shellington was no longer sitting at their table anymore, only with the popular kids/jocks. It made Dashi's heart shatter, that she was no longer able to sit with her BEST friend, but she did the best to ignore it.

But Dashi knew it was going to be like this day after day after day. Though after school, she was putting her books in her locker, as Barnacles and Peso walked by. 

"Hey Dashi." Barnacles said, eyeing Peso. "Do you know what's up with Shellington? Like why he's been...acting up lately?"

"No, and I honestly can care less about it now. Why are you asking?" Dashi said, gritting her teeth.

"huh. Okay, just wondering, because um...yeah see you tommorow."

He and Peso walked down the hall in another corrider where their after school thing was, Just as Dashi was about to put her last book back. 

She slung her pink backpack over her shoulder, but her eye caught something.

 Danielle said something that made her go 10x redder in blushing, and she pulled Shellington's Collar, and they kissed.

Dashi bit her lip from tears to not come spilling down, but she couldn't resist it. She pulled her hoodie over her head, and ran from the school, back home.

What she didn't notice though was that Tweak was taking a video, and whispered "Seem like you do care though Dashi, or else you wouldn't be crying. 

And with that, Tweak started walking back home.

The jealousy that stays~ HUMAN! Dashi x Shellington AUWhere stories live. Discover now