Chapter One: Until One Day, All That Changed

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Mal had just betrayed her parents, and she was surprisingly okay with that.  Carlos was less okay, cuddling dude close.  Evie was smiling and chatting with Doug, Ben was explaining things to Audrey and her family with his own family and Jay was hanging out with the tourney team.  Suddenly the throne room morphed, comfy chairs popping into existence and a giant theater sized television taking the place of the throne as a sticky note popped into existence atop of it.  Ben picked up the note cautiously and read aloud.

"Dear Auradon,

By the time you get this Ben Beast will have just been crowned king.  As a reward for actually accepting the children of villains, however grudgingly I have elected to give you the gift of seeing how the eldest crown prince is doing.


The Enchantress,"  Ben's read out, voice bewildered, and stunned.  Adam and Belle Beast choked, shocked and relieved at the news that their oldest was alive

"I have a brother?" Ben questioned stunned

"Yes, we thought he'd been killed be Maleficent," she choked out, sadly.

"We didn't tell you because it hurt too much to talk about," Adam apologized, eyes slightly glassy.

"Well, we have to see how he's doing then!" Ben blurted out, as he turned to the TV.  The people in attendance seated themselves quickly, eager to get new gossip and see if their prince was alright.  The screen switched on after a moment as they all settled down.

The screen darkened for a moment before it lit up, a series of black and white photos flashing across the screen as a voice spoke up.

"In 1899," a voice began.

"that was a long time ago," Adam boomed out, confused.

"the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of Newsies," he narrated.

"What are Newsies?" Carlos piped up, questioningly.

"And more importantly where's New York City?" Audrey questioned, confused.

"Peddling the newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst and other giants of the Newspaper World," he continued.

"Oh, so they sell newspapers," Carlos realized.

 "On every corner you saw them, carrying the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape," he exclaimed.

"That's not very much," Evie frowned.

"Poor orphans and runaways, the Newsies were a ragged army without a leader," the voice paused as the picture settled on the face of a boy with sharp cheek bones and dark eyes and hair.

Adam and Belle jolted at the familiar features from their own faces, smiling with hope.

"Until one day, all that changed," he finished, the screen lightening as it filled with color, switching to a building with a sign boldly proclaiming, 'Newsboys Lodging House'. A pair of shoes ascended creaky wooden steps as the screen switched over to a dorm room filled to the brim with bunks, boys sleeping from the bottom to the top in rows on each side.

 "Boots!" the man yelled, causing a younger boy to jerk awake along with half the room.  Boots sighed in annoyance as he briefly buried his head into his pillow.

"Skittery," the old man called to one of the still sleeping boys, "Skittery," he shouted, slapping the boys foot to get his attention.

"I didn't do it!" he yelped as he jolted awake, before wincing when the man smacked him lightly on the back of the head.

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