Chapter Three: Seize the Day

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"They jacked up the price!" The redhead exclaimed angrily to Jack.

"What's going on?" Lonnie's brow furrowed in concern.

"Did you hear that, Jack," he spat, "Ten cents, a hundred!" he complained, "you know, It's bad enough that we gotta eat what we don't sell!" he yelled, bitter as he turned to a mocking Oscar Delancey, "Now, they jacked up the price!" he shouted pointedly, "Can you believe that!?" he questioned in disbelief.

"How awful," Cinderella gasped, "those poor boys!"

"This will bust me, I'm barely making a living right now," one of the boys muttered angrily.

"I'll be back sleeping on the streets," Boots chimed in factually.

"Poor kids," Aladdin muttered in sympathy, handing tightening around his wife's.

"It don't make no sense," Mush lamented, slightly confused, "I mean, all the money Pulitzer's making?" he continued, "Why would he gouge us?" he despaired.

"Because he's a tightwad, that's why," Race spat.

"That's right!" the redhead agreed.

"Hey, come on," Jack soothed, "Pipe down, it's just a gag," he lied unconvincingly, before walking back up to the counter, "So why the jack up, Weasel?" Jack questioned, seriously.

"Why not?" Weasel retorted, licking his finger before pointing it at the ceiling, "It's a nice day," he smirked smugly.  Jack turned to walk away and Weasel called out after him, "why don't you ask Mr. Pulitzer!?" he taunted.

"What a jerk!" Chad exclaimed, oblivious to the deadpanned stare he received for that hypocritical comment

"They can't do this to me, Jack," the Redhead bemoaned.

"They can do whatever they want, it's their stinking paper," Race sneered bitterly as Jack sat down on the staircase next to Boots.

"That's not fair!" Lonnie scowled, angrily.

"It ain't fair!" Boots complained, "We got no rights at all!" he lamented, making Jack turn away in anger and consideration.

"Come on, it's a rigged deck," Race scoffed, "they got all the marbles, okay?"

"Jack we got no choice," Mush reasoned, "so let's get our lousy papes while they got some, eh?" he attempted to step forward and order some papers.

"No," Jack refuted, "Nobody's going anywhere!" he protested.

"We gotta eat, Jack," Mush shot back.

A few people in the audience sniffled sadly.

"They can't get away with this," Jack argued.

"Clear out, clear out," Les barged his way through the crowd surrounding Jack, "Give him some room, give him some room," he scolded, "let him think," he finished settling next to Jack, and looking at him expectantly.  The redhead offered him a cigar helpfully and Jack smoked, considering the situation.

"Jack, you done thinking yet?" Race interjected after a moment of silence to Jack's annoyance.

Jay snorted.

"Hey, hey, hey," Weasel called out, opening a window, "world employees only on this side of the gate," he reprimanded tauntingly before shutting the window.  The Newsies jeered angrily in response.

"Well, listen," Jack began, "One thing for sure, If we don't sell papes, then nobody sells papes," he reassured, "Nobody comes through those gates till they put the price back where it was," he demanded to the Newsies agreement.

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