Chapter Six: This is Do It or Die, This is War!

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The screen showed David's sister, Sarah rifling through her drawers only to come upon Les's wrapped hot dog.  

"Les," she began, amused, "what is this?"

"I'm saving it," Les objected, pulling the hot dog from out of the paper. Sarah smiled it him amused before double taking at the contents of the letter.

"David," she called, "It's Denton's article!" she exclaimed.

"I forgot he wrote that," Jay muttered quietly.

"The Dark Truth: Why Our City Really Fears the Newsies' Strike," she began to read out, "by Bryan Denton," she added, "Last night I saw naked force exercised against mere boys, the newsies who were the-"  Her words were cut off as David climbed out the window, slamming it shut behind him in anger.  Sarah and Les exchanged looks.

"Poor David," Lonnie murmured

The scene switched to Weasel, leading Jack into the basement of the World building.

"One trick, Cowboy and it's right back to the refuge," he warned, "please," he added, tauntingly before beckoning him to enter, throwing a sheet at him in replacement for a blanket.

"Jerk!" Audrey spat.

"Are you gonna be requiring anything else this evening, huh?" he questioned with a smarmy grin, "No? Aww," he continued mock-disappointed, "tsk, tsk," he sighed, "Well, then, I ought to be saying good night," he finished, going to leave a despondent Jack behind

"Remember, one trick and I go straight to Mr. Pulitzer," he warned one last time before he left.

The screen switched to the next morning, Oscar and Morris handing out Newspapers with Mr. Weasel as Jack ascended the staircase.

"Sleep well, Cowboy?" Weasel questioned with a mean smirk as Jack came up to the counter.

"He's such a di-"


"-ngo" he amended, to his father's amusement.

"Come with us, Cowboy," Oscar taunted, "we're gonna go fix your pal, Davey," he began, "fix him so he can't walk." he finished with a grin.

the theater fumed in silent anger.

"Shut up," Morris scolded as Jack stalked forward angrily.

"Uh-uh," Weasel chided, "lift one finger, it's right back to the Refuge," he warned, gleefully to Jack's despair.  

"Poor Jack," Lonnie murmured unhappily.

Jack quickly got his Newspapers and left.

The screen switched to Sarah, carrying a basket of laundry down the street with Les waving his wooden sword around behind her.  Oscar popped up behind her, tailing her only a foot away from her back.  She turned, noticing the footsteps.

"Excuse me, sweet face," he pardoned with a mocking smile.  

"He better not touch them!" Belle fumed.

She turned and continued on her way, warily.  Morris popped out right as she passed an alley, stopping her in her tracks.

"How's your little brother, tootsie, huh?" he taunted to Oscar's sadistic amusement, "Where's the little Davey," he teased cruelly, before knocking the basket of laundry from her hands.  She tried to run, only to be stopped by Oscar and Morris shoving her backwards, laughing.

"Those Jerkwads!" Ben glared.

"Leave my sister alone!" Les shouted angrily, shoving Oscar.  Oscar turned around, goading him silently, arms raised tauntingly in the air. Les swung with his wooden sword, only for Oscar to catch him by the arm and throw him into the mud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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