Chapter Two: Ain't Glad You've Got a Dream

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The screen opened up to a street fight, Jack and David wandering through the crowd.

"Extra, Extra," David shouted, "Trolley Strike Drags On!"

"Extra, extra," Jack echoed, "Ellis Island in flames, big conflagration!"

"That's vaguely alarming," Doug muttered.

"Hey, what!?" David questioned in confused panic as Jack handed out newspapers to paying customers, "Wait, where's that story?" he questioned,

"Thank you, sir," Jack thanked before turning to David, "page 9," he answered before he turned back to his customers, "thousands flee in panic!" he shouted, "Thank you, much obliged to you," he thanked, "Ladies," he excused as he passed.

"Trash fire next to immigration building terrifies sea gulls?!" David read out, incredulously.

Mal barked out a surprised laugh.

"Terrified flight from inferno!" Jack advertised, "Thousands of lives at stake," he added, as he handed off a few more newspapers.

"Thousands of lives, sure," Chad scoffed.

"Thousands of Sea gulls, maybe," Doug joked.

 "Extra, extra," he shouted, before handing off another newspaper.

"Extra, extra," he began again, before Les came up to him, catching his attention, "hey," he greeted, "you start in the back like I told you?" he questioned intently, "Okay show me again," he requested at Les's nod.  Les coughs weakly, as he looks at Jack guilelessly

"Buy me last pape, mista?" he offered out the newspaper as he coughed again.

"It's heartbreaking," Jack chuckled, "Go get 'em," he handed him some newspapers and ushered him off.

"What is he teaching that poor boy!?" The Fairy Godmother spluttered, to the VK's amusement

"My father told us not to lie," David protested.

"Someone's learned from their parents then," the Fairy Godmother smiled in approval.

"Yeah, well, mine told me not to starve, so we both got an education," he defended.

It was silent as the Theater processed that information with a wince, Belle, Adam and Ben's faces fell.

"You're just making up things, all these headlines," he accused.

"I don't do nothing the guys who write it don't do," he assured, "anyway, it ain't lying, it's just improving the truth a little," he retorted.

"Improving the truth, ha!" Jay chuckled, ignoring the tension in the room.

 The bell signaling the end of the fight rang out as Les returned. 

"Guy gave me a quarter!" Les exclaimed, enthusiastically, "quick, give me some of the last papers!" he requested to Jack.

"Wait, wait, hold on," David sniffed the air around him only for his expression to darken, "you smell like beer," he accused.

Cinderella gasped in outrage, the Fairy Godmother tutted.

"Oh," Les's face dropped before brightening again, "That's how I made the quarter, the guy bet me I wouldn't drink some," he explained.  David glared over his shoulder at Jack who was holding back a laugh.

Cinderella fumed as the Fairy Godmother frowned in disappointment.

"Hey, no drinking on the job," he scolded with a slight smile, "it's bad for business," he added, "I mean, what if somebody called the cop on you?" he continued seriously.

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