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"And then he left? He's a little bitch. I would've shoved you against a wall" Cole teases as I tell him about yesterday's events.

"That bottled up sexual tension  will end in either two things. You two end up hating each other or you end up pregnant" Cole adds quickly with a sly grin as I gasp at him.

"Cole, shut the hell up, I don't even know why I tell you these things" I roll my eyes sinking further into my couch as I snuggle one of my throw pillows and smack him in the head with another.

"Ouch." He whines ripping it out my hand as he places it behind my head. "You tell me these things because I'm your only friend" He tells me as I roll my eyes yet again as he chuckles at me.

"If you keep rolling your eyes like that, they'll get permanently stuck to the back of your head" He tells me as I resist the urge to roll my eyes again.

"Let's just talk about something else, how are things between you ad Tobias?" I ask him as he rolls his eyes.

"Next topic please" He begs desperately as I pout at him. "Wait, what's going on? I thought all was good in Tobias-land" I tease him as he glares at me.

"I said next topic Isabel, just drop it" He seethed as I lift my hands up in surrender. "Sorry. Uh-well Daniel from management asked me out on a date" I tell him as Cole gasped loudly.

"Daniel Creed, he is one  and hot thick piece of sugar" Cole approves practically drooling over him.

I laugh wholeheartedly before replying "You want him? He us all yours buddy" I tease as he smirks at him.

"I might just take you up on that offer" He says back in all seriousness as  I stare at him just waiting for him to burst out laughing, telling me he was joking, but he didn't.

"What happened with Tobias, Cole?" I asked softly after a long silence and he just shrugged.

'He cheated' he thought and I internally scolded myself at my inability to tune his thoughts out.

"Did Tobias do something?" I urged as his eyes softened and his eyes blinked rapidly to avoid tears dwelling in his eyes.

"We broke up" He tells me as I frown and wrap my arm around him gently. "He cheated on me with some stupid and ugly ass guy from his work" He tells me as he leans on me and lets to an estranged sob.

"In our fucking house" He adds in between sobs as I just held him close and let him cry into my shirt.

"I'm really sorry Cole" I tell him as I tried soothing him with my touch.

Oh, did I forget to tell you guys that I can manipulate people's emotions too? Yes, it comes with my empath powers. So, I can take Cole's pain away, even if it means that I have to take the pain in his place. I don't mind, he is my friend, and I'll take his pain any day.

He gradually stopped crying as I practically wallowed silently in his pain. "Sleep, Cole, sleep" I commanded as his body dropped against the couch.

"Too much expectation for a chill night in" I tell myself as I drape a blanket over him and adjust a pillow under his head. "But you'll feel better tomorrow, I'll make sure of it" I whispered softly as I walk away from him and go back to my room.

I adjusted myself under my covers as I felt the physical and emotional pain engulf me. I felt like my heart was being detached from my body in the most torturous way passible. I've only done this trick a couple of times,  that's why it takes such a toll on me.

So I did what I probably shouldn't have done.

I dialed, waited and then I hung up when I heard his voice.

But it was too late, the call went through.

Funny how one single phone call can change your life forever, and I didn't know it at the time, but it did.


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With love & gratitude,


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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