Chapter one: A Peculiar Encounter Pt 2

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Cosmo: YOURE A LIVING TOY?! NO WONDER THIS SCHOOL IS A MAGICAL ONE, and a sciency one of course

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Cosmo: YOURE A LIVING TOY?! NO WONDER THIS SCHOOL IS A MAGICAL ONE, and a sciency one of course

Huggy:I was a brought to life by human experiments

Cosmo: WHAT?!

Cuphead: oh hell no I don't deal that kind of stuff

Zoe: oh dear! But why did they do that?!

Huggy: my creator wanted me and all my friends to be "lifelike", but instead of being a friendly helping toy, I showed my true monster side...

Zoe: aw, I felt that... so do you need another hug?

Huggy: the more hugs the better haha!

Mugman: (pov) she really seems to enjoy this, it's wholesome I see a person hug a sad person

???3: looks like I'm not the only one...but the opposite, this is going to be fun!

Huggy: huh?

Zoe: same but opposite?

[in front of them a wooden ventriloquist resembling a female mad scientist, she has orange hair, a scary smiley mask, and different colored eyes]

Zoe: oh a ventriloquist puppet! That's interesting

???3: wow... you aren't scared and you're prepared?

Zoe: I've seen and dealt worse

Mugman: what do mean by opposite?

???3: I was brought to life be an evil voodoo spell that's all, it was from a demons call

Mugman: so you're magical as well?

???3: oh perhaps evil magic, well its logic

Cosmo: still counts

???3: oh where are my manners, my name is Riley Ruckus... call me the Ultimate Mad Scientist, I hope we can be friends at this one bit *evil laugh*

 call me the Ultimate Mad Scientist, I hope we can be friends at this one bit *evil laugh*

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Mugman: (pov) it's a bit funny she speaks in rhymes, but it's just her way...

Cuphead: do you ever get tired of rhyming?

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