Chapter three: The Smile behind the mask| PT 3 (3rd Trial)

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Mugman: I think, that someone among here has the disease and is pretending to not have it!

Yuri: huh? How can you be so sure?

Mugman: I'm just sure of it, cuz I can feel it in my gut!

Zoe: In your gut-?

Mugman: ehhh moving on-

Chiaki: now that we discussed about the Motive let's talk about the thing we discovered

Beep: oh right so in my team, we found out that Esther has been somehow poisoned by a compound

Riley: and that is called the Arsenic Trisulfide or known as Kings Yellow! That compound can you within thirty minutes!

Mugman : hey! That's the same poison we found in Sonics crime scene, right Michael?

Michael: yeah! It was somehow coated in the arrow he was killed

Beep: in the Monokuma files, it says Esther is poisoned too!

Bang: then the murders are connected!

Cosmo: but how was the killer able to shoot him?

Non-Stop Debate!

Truth bullets:
Arrow in the chest
Arsenic Trisulfide
Freshly Cut rope
Handprints on glass
Super glue
Cross Mark under Sonics body

Yuri: maybe they hid somewhere among the shelves?

Chiaki: it might possible but I don't think the culprit was able to have a clear shot since there are a lot of shelves

Armin: probably a good aim?

Bendy: oh oh! What if they used a special skill!!

Arrow in the chest

Mugman: no that's wrong!

Mugman: no that's wrong!

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Pic by: Reah_Writer7


Mugman: I don't think that's possible. Cuz whenever if it's a sneak attack it just comes from the back, but how was Sonic able to have an arrow in the chest?

Zoe: oh yeah!

Yuri: then how and why from the chest?

Riley: according to my theory, the reason why it has to be in the chest... is to probably make the poison already faster!

Cuphead: oh yeah! It makes sense!

Zoe: now that you think of it... how was the arrow able to manage to get shot from the chest?

Non stop debate!

Truth Bullets:
Crumbs in the floor
Arsenic Trisulfide
Freshly Cut rope
Books on the floor
Cross mark under Sonics body

Izuku: did they just stab it? No no that's just a weird statement-

Tanjiro: hmmmm...

Beep: maybe they ambushed Sonic?

Bang: oh! What if they like booby trap it?


Mugman: I agree!


Mugman: it must have been a trap! During the investigation I saw trip wire on the stairs! I think Sonic must've tripped on it then the crossbow triggered then shot Sonic!


Yuri: I refuse to believe that evidence!

Rebuttal Showdown

Rebuttal Showdown

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Mugman: Yuri?

Yuri: how can you be so sure if the Crossbow is booby trapped? Besides the tripwire of curse, I mean you hold the crossbow then you shoot it! But how is that even possible? That's ridiculous!

Truth swords
- Arrow in the chest
- Tripwire
- Crumbs
- Arsenic Trisulfide
- Books on the floor 👈🏻
- Cross mark under Sonics body

Yuri: how are so sure that the culprit booby trapped a crossbow? You are supposed to hold and shoot it! But how can tripwire trigger the crossbow? It's pointless! The culprit definitely hid somewhere then show Sonic through the chest! Easy!

Mugman: no, the culprit had a hard time to aim and shoot Sonic, cuz there were too many books. So they used a different technique

Yuri: ya think? It's impossible! A Crossbow can't just be booby trapped with just tripwire!

• Books on the Floor •


( clear )

Mugman: nope! They didn't just used tripwire but they also used books to make the perfect balance for the crossbow to trigger! I think the culprit put something on the area where Sonic died... then when he picked up! The tripwire, books then the crossbow triggered!

Beep: that kinda makes sense honestly

Yuri: hmph! Find I'll side with your opinion, for now

Tanjiro: now that you think of it! What was on top of the trap when the crossbow triggered?

Non Stop Debate!

Armin: probably something that would interest him like treasure?

Playtime: maybe something that he likes?

Crumbs in the floor

Mugman: I agree!


Mugman: What was that Playtime?

Playtime: huh? Something that Sonic likes?

Mugman: of courses... Sonic having the Gluttony Disease, would explain the crumbs on the floor!

Playtime: *gasp* then I think the trap that the culprit had set for him is food!

Cuphead: then when Sonic picked up the food! Kaput he goes!

Next Part

(btw it will be Beeps turn in the next part ;] )

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