Chapter four: Dead-dication| PT 5 (Daily Life end)

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Several hours later

Beep: we're one step close to the truth Bang

Bang: I know that

Beep: the last clue... is this note

Dear Beep / Mugman,

I am the Traitors Apprentice but that doesn't mean I work for the Mastermind, I'm just a person who know the traitor and mastermind is. The Mastermind is just a reincarnation of one of the participants, she is Persistent in getting what she wants, she is also Egotistical and she also want to Rule the world, she is Cruel, and a liar... plz, save the Traitor, You two are the only one who can stop the killing game!

Signing off...

Beep: why are these words capitalized? Persistent, Egotistical, Rule the world, Cruel, You
it doesn't make sense, or maybe-

They got interrupted by a door opening

Bierce: hey guys, oh- sorry did I interrupt you?

Beep: GYA-

Bang: heya Bierce, whats up

Bierce: Izuku and Riley baked cookies do you want some?

Beep: oh of course!

Bierce: what's all this rubbish?

Beep: uhm we're just investigating

Bierce: on?

Bang: on the mastermind and traitor

Beep: yeah the traitors and their apprentice have been sending notes to us, it sounded like they need help

Bierce: oh my, what were all the hints you found so far?

Beep: let's see, we found their gender the mastermind and traitor is female while the apprentice is a mal, we discovered their real ultimate talents, a riddle that we don't understand and the masterminds personality, but the one the apprentice sent us seems odd

Bierce: May i see?

Beep: sure

Bierce reads the note

Beep: anything?

Bierce: it's not odd, you need to decipher the capital letters

Bang: decipher?

Bierce: yes! Back in my old days I used to solve mysteries, unlock secrets and decipher codes

Beep: wow! You might be a help on this!

Bierce: hehe, now, what about the riddle?

Beep: it says: the more we believe the hope we'll receive

Bang: it's like a motivational quote, but it's like, confusing?

Beep: why would the traitor send us a motivational quote?

Bierce: I have no idea, but it did say that she'll reveal herself in the last trial

Beep: The sixth note said that there will be consequences if we find the mastermind first, but the traitor is the one we are finding

Bang: it sounded she wanted to execute herself for a reason

Bierce: i think the mastermind has planned us something far worse than death, and traitor is trying to protect us

Bang: and the apprentice is trying to call us for help

C l a n k

Bang: what was that?

Danganronpa V77: Hope Lives OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora