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     ━━DAIYU HADN'T FELT that sweet warmth with someone in so long. although she loved her friends, they weren't overly nice as seyeon had been during her stay. they were strong, and even if they weren't they never really shared their feelings with others. daiyu was fine with that, of course, but when she was with her brother, it was as though her feelings were words on a book that was so easy to read.

and she liked that. she liked not having to be strong all the time. so when seyeon offered her a home, she realized how much of a good person he truly was. and for that, she would be forever grateful.

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     ━━SEYEON WAS A very clingy person, daiyu had come to realize from her spot on the dining table, sipping her lemonade. he had refused to let either suho or seojun leave, and instead sat them on the couch and announced they'd be watching a movie and spending the night. neither of the boys objected, and it seemed like this was a daily occurrence.

daiyu never really had sleepovers at home. sometimes she and her friends slept in parks or near alleyways, and even though they all had a home to go back to, some of them didn't consider family any more welcoming than a park bench. so daiyu stayed with them, so they wouldn't have to bear the cold night air alone, and had a voice to respond back to theirs while they drifted off to sleep.

her memories were interrupted by seyeon's shout of, "daiyu, come join us!" and so she did, chugging the rest of her drink before plopping herself next to seyeon.

"what movie are we watching?" asked daiyu.

"the wizard of oz." seyeon replied at the same time seojun said, "jaws."

both turned to look at each other.

"absolutely not! i hate blood." seyeon shivered, making daiyu chuckle.

"guess you guys like american movies." she muttered before sinking farther into the couch. "i would vote jaws but that would mean i'm siding with this douche, so i'll choose wizard of oz."

"hey! that's not even a reasonable excuse." seojun rolled his eyes.

"is too." she shot back, sticking her tongue out at him.

"i'd like to watch jaws." said suho quietly. everyone ignored him (poor suho).

"rock paper scissors, then. whoever wins gets to choose the movie." challenged seojun, and daiyu agreed.





both teens chanted at the same time, revealing their chosen 'weapon'. daiyu's hand was closed in a fist, rock, while seojun's palm was facing upwards and his fingers were outstretched, paper.

"ha! i won!" seojun laughed in daiyu's face, making her click her tongue and roll her eyes distastefully. still, a win was a win, and she wasn't about to sulk about it. especially not if it was seojun's win. over her dead body.

so, she situated herself farther into the plush couch, allowing it to swallow her in comfort. after all, she liked bloody movies; they kept her entertained.

"noooo" seyeon wailed, clinging to daiyu's arm as he hid behind a decorative pillow.

daiyu allowed the boy to use her as a personal shield from the screen, not even minding the loud screams that threatened to burst her ears every few minutes. the movie finished far too soon for being a two hour long film, and soon the four were off to bed.

𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱, seojunWhere stories live. Discover now