Han Shot 1st

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"Finally! Summer's here!" I shouted enthusiastically as me and m dad home from school. "Now Isabel remember, you can't just do nothing for three months." My dad said sarcastically. "I can, I will, and you're gonna watch me! Muahahaha! *cute evil laughter*" I said happily. After an eternity of driving, we finally arrived home. I jumped out of the car and charged at the front door, all while my dad took his sweet time getting out of the car. "Come on hurry up!" I shouted at him. He laughed at me as he slowly turned the lock. The moment the door opened, I ran inside shouting "guess who's home and ready for non-stop  fun for the next three months! She's got ten toes and ten fingers, has two thumbs, and that's right, it's this gal!" Barely ten seconds after my boastful entrance, my, ten foot, fluffy fox friend James popped into the room and picked me up and started squeezing me while saying "*laughing* finally the fun ritual can begin!" He put me down and together we started chanting "Hooga chaka. Hooga, hooga, hooga, chaka" I turned to look at my dad and saw him smiling at me. We stopped chanting as James found a Krogers bag my dad brought home full of precooked bacon strips. "*sniffing noises* *gasps in fox* bacon!! *tearing bag open noises* *noming noises* Nom!" James smiled at me while chewing a... I guess a snout full? a snout full of a bacon. I ended up having to rip the bacon out of his big paws just so he wouldn't devour it all in one sitting "awww my bacon" James said sorrowfully "Oh don't worry, you can have more. Ah ah ah, later" I said putting my hand in front of his muzzle"Dawwwoh. fine!" James said sadly before continuing joyfully "Guess this means I'm gonna have to eat you then! " he scooped me up and while making joking "nom!" Noises as he licked and squeezed me. "*giggle* James stop! *giggle* *Laugh*" he smiled and put me down I looked at myself then at him and said "James! I'm all wet now. Ok, I'm gonna quickly shower then, we, are gonna think of some fun stuff to do this summer. Be right back!!" I raced up the stairs to shower.

{James's perspective}

I set her down on the floor when, she looked at herself then me and said "James! I'm all wet now. Ok, I'm gonna quickly shower then, we, are gonna think of some fun stuff to do this summer. Be right back!!" And raced up the stairs to shower. Jack looked at me with the same worrisome and 'I will kill you if you hurt my daughter' face he would always make before giving the same tiresome speech. "what?" I said crossing my arms Jack answered "I still don't know how she's comfortable around... well whatever the hell you are!" "Oh boy here we go again for the trillionth time I... will... not... hurt or eat her! Jeez, besides I don't even eat people. Your the ones that eat everything that crosses your path." I said in response to his usual delusional speech that he would always give me. "Hold on, we kill everything? Your the one who is literally a carnivore and an animal!" he shot back. "carnivore? I'm a red fox which makes me an omnivore. Still, I don't kill people... " I said before finishing thee thought in my head "Not anymore at least..." "That doesn't matter I still don't trust you with her, your a massive...  beast!" Jack said in an angered and worried tone. "Wow, Gaston much?" I said in a snarky tone. Before he could respond, Isabel came racing back down the stairs.

{Isabel's perspective}

I raced back down as quickly as I could shouting "I'm done aaaaaaaaannnmnnnnnndddd I'm back. Ta da!" My wet hair flew forward as I stopped running. I scooped it up and placed it in its natural environment, that being the backside of my head. James laughed at my coo-coo-ness. As he laughed he picked me up and held me in his arms and said "*sigh* you're so cute... you know that?" He nuzzled his snout against my head. I took it as the perfect opportunity to boop his nose. "Boop." I said as I poked his nose. His head shot up in confusion. I bursted out laughing every time I did that his reaction was the same, yet so funny! He looked down at me and said "You little jokester, come here!" He heaved me over his shoulder and leaned his head on me. If it's one part about him that I love the most,  it's his soft fluffy neck fur. It's always at perfect cuddle temperature and is always so soft, no matter what! "Alright time for you to go to bed" James said as he placed me down on my bed "What? But it's only 5!" I said to him "Oh, sorry did I say you. I meant me." He smiled as he set me down on my bunk bed and walked away. 

{James's perspective}

I walked out of her room and made my way to a king sized doggy bed where I usually slept and took naps. I curled up and hit snooze on life

<6 hours later>

{Isabel's perspective}

*dreaming noises* "put me down James! Ha ha. You big fluffy pillow!"

{jack's perspective}

*nightmare noises* "Isabel why are you crying?" "Some *sniff* kids *sniff gasp* made fun of me *sniff* and *gasp* said th- that it was my fault *sniff gasp* mom died! *whimpers" "hey, hey come here, it's ok. Alright? They're stupid for thinking that it was your fault. Here you wanna go get ice cre-" "*Demonic deep gravelly voice* oh Isabel... don't you wanna play?" "James! stay back!" "No Jack... I'm afraid that won't happen. Heh heh. Yes Isabel come here... come to me... that's right come here... yes! *snarling growling little girl squeal gushy mushy devouring sounds* heh ah ha ha ha!" 

*gasps* I wiped the sweat off my face and snuck over to Isabel's room "I swear, these dreams just keep getting more and more realistic" I thought to myself as I snuck down the hall. When I cracked open her room door I saw James standing overhead. Looming over her as she slept in her bunk bed and desk combo. It seemed as though he deciding whether or not to eat her. I opened the door a little more to see Isabel tossing and turning with a smile on her face "she must be having a good dream" I thought to myself I then looked back at James's face, now with context, I understood he was just as perplexed as I was about what she was dreaming. Suddenly his tail started to wag, it was like a dog smelling food or seeing their owner come home kinda wag. I snuck back to my room so he wouldn't see me. When "*creak*". I dashed as quickly and quietly as I could back to my room. I got under my sheets and prayed he didn't hear me. Then I heard his thunking, thumping, and claw clacking footsteps approached my door. I ended up pissing myself out of pure fear "God I hope he can't smell it!" I thought.

{James's perspective} 

I woke up to the sound of soft giggling and low laughter echoing throughout the house. So I, naturally, being the good dog that I am, went to checked up on Isabel. I walked down the hallway hearing the soft groaning and grunting from Jack as he had the usual nightmare of... I have no idea. I turned and walked into Isabel's room she was tossing and turning, a warm blushing smile playfully dancing on her face, with giggles every few seconds. Seeing her like that made my tail wag. Boy, am I glad no one saw it wagging. I heard a creak and turned around when I looked out the door to the hall all I saw was jack's door cracked open like I left it I decided to go check on him. "Wait! Why I am doing this? I hate him. Wait, why can't I stop? It's probably just some protective instinct or something" I thought to myself. When I opened his door, he had stopped tossing and turning and instead laid in a "water" bed of his own making. "Damn that's a lot of sweat!" I thought "Wait is that urine too?!" I thought as well. I covered my snout at the horrendous smell of BO and what I hope to god isn't piss. I made my way down the hall and layed back down on my bed and promptly passed out.

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