There's always a bigger 5th

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[Jack's perspective]

I woke up to the sound of Isabel giggling and laughing, and decided to see what was going on. I got out of bed, put on some fresh clothes, and walked to the living room. To my horror, instead of seeing James with her, it was that wolf, Tink, playing with her. If you could even call it that. I walked into the living room, and saw James's bed empty and asked "Where's james?" "Oh uhhh he went out" Tink said "Out? Out?! What do you mean out?!" I interrogated. "I- I- I- I don't- I don't know." Said Tink nervously as he frantically looked back and forth at me and the back door. I turned around and asked "Did he go into the woods?" I asked "Uhhhh, he said..." "he said what?" "Uhhh I'm not supposed to- he said not to talk- I- uhh" Just then the back door slid open and Tink ran over to James "Oh thank God, you're here! I don't know how much longer I could have kept it a secret." "Keep what, a secret?" I asked James "This." James pulled out a crudely knitted and sewn blanket. "This was the blanket Isabel made for me when we first met." James said Isabel walked over to the blanket and picked it up "It's a lot heavier than I remember. Man I can't believe you went out into the woods for, well, this." She said looking at it. "Well I know your birthday past a couple of days ago and I wanted to get you something. So, I decided to get you a memory." James said smiling at Isabel "Alright well, I have to go to work. James you're in charge while i'm gone and Isabel, if james does anything, call me or use the collar" I said grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

[James' perspective]

{Two hours prior}

I walked through the woods till I found the old dilapidated bunker door I escaped through all those years ago. I walked down that decrepit ramp and into the facility. The security doors were just as I remembered, burnt and destroyed, both done by me and the fire of that night. I walked past a sign that read- -or well used to read, "offices" and grabbed a crowbar that sat beneath it and walked through the door. As I entered the now desecrated room, I could still hear the generals record player still playing the Nat King Cole record he had been so fond of. I decided I would start my search in his office hopefully I could find some answers as to what happened after I escaped with the Doc- HER help. I started by searching the drawers in the desk. Nearly all were empty except for the one on the bottom left. It had a steel box that had been grown over with vines that had slowly been creeping in through the various holes and cracks in the walls and ceiling. I pulled the box out and broke off the combination lock on the outside of the box. Instead of finding a bunch documents with clues to solve the aftermath mystery, I found 79 vinyl records "A parting gift, just for me? How sweet of you general" I said as I turned to the scorched remnants of the generals body still sitting in his chair. "And I'll take that too" I said grabbing the still intact and unburnt hat he had on his desk. I carried on my search looking through the various filing cabinets in his office. On my way out of his office I took his record player, records, and the half burnt stars on his shoulders. I then meticulously moved from office to office, hoping to find something, anything that could tell me where the others were and how they escaped. after an hour of searching I made my way back to the hall and decided that the security office was my next best bet. I walked down to the hallway that lead to the security room, only to find it had been blocked off by debris. I knew that in order to get around the debris I would have to walk through the old cells. I turned around and headed back down the other hallway till I found a blinking sign, haunted by the passed, that said "Specimen Containment For Project Hellfire" Only now the sign read "Containment Hell" With the word containment blinking on and off every few seconds. I turned into the hallway and held my head low. I didn't want to lose hope, I didn't want to see them dead, not here at least. I kept walking, trying to not look up. Little did I know looking down would be far worse.

As made my way closer and closer to the sound of the buzzing light of the security room, I saw something white poking out of the ash and dirt pile that sat at my feet. I bent down and began to carefully excavate the item from the dirt and ash. I picked it up and brushed the dirt off. The item was a small plushie of a smiling cloud with the words "Property of Tink" written in sharpie on a piece of tape on the back. The plush had been hand sewn by the Doctor all those years ago, to be honest I thought it would have been burned. I put the plush into my sack and continued to make my way to the office. When I turned the corner, I came upon two open doors and followed the signs through the left door.

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