About this story

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Surprise, I'm not dead! In fact the reason why I haven't been updating this is because I'm working on my own cover for this story. It's gonna take me while, and I might do some general updates on this books next chapter every so often. Or at least as often as I can. I promise that a new chapters for most of my books will be out somewhere in or around late August to early September and early October at the latest. Currently the latest chapter is almost done with it sitting at around 4000 words, all of which has to be proof read. But anyways hope everyone enjoys there summer

I reorganized the chapters a bit

Aug 3rd 11:55 2023

I rearranged that chapters so that each one would tell an actual day over the course of one chapter, instead of multiple. Which also free's up a lot of time, because instead of having to stare at a screen for an hour and come up with a new star wars pun.

Aug 5th 02:00 2023

No, you're not going crazy,

Yes, I did publish a new part,

And yes, I did publish it as a mistake when I meant to hit save instead of publish.

Aug 8th 19:14, 2023

I rearranged the chapter names, as well as put in some new puns. I hope you all enjoy the new chapter

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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