May the 4th be with you

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{James' perspective}

*sleeping noises*

"*gasp* where am I?!" I looked around at my surroundings seeing trees as tall as towers that we're withered and greyed, the grass around me was wilted and burnt, and flowers were few and far between and fell dead to the touch with stems of charred ash and petals as black as night. "What is this place?" I walked down a path through the dead forest, as I walked the world around me twisted and deformed. The sky shined a deep crimson, with the moon emitting a red glow. The moon was a deep scarlet red shining down on me like a spotlight. I came across a clearing with two sides one that was red and one that was grey. I looked to my left, what I saw was Red colored terrain and a red moon in the sky above a burning red door standing in the middle of the field. I looked to my right and saw a grey and dull form of nature. When I touched the grass it disintegrated in my hand, the field smelled of ash like a campfire in the morning after being burned all through the night, and the trees were a slightly darker ash color with red ember like veins running up and down them. The bark felt burnt and charred like charcoal in a fire, It seemed as though everything was made of ash and the only color in the field was the red embers in the trees. I walked to the door. As I approached, a broken halo floated above my head the door was painted black and white. Almost as though it was a message of two sides... two truths. I walked through the door, as I did I heard the world behind me burn, but I did not turn around for I was afraid I would turn to salt. The door closed behind me and I approached a vintage and monotoned phonograph. A single record stood alone the words on the front had the title of one my favorite songs "I Don't Get High No More" I slid the record out and gently placed the needle down expecting the sweet and calming sounds of symphonatic harmony and bliss. Instead a crooked tune played. A dingy old rag time piano played, all while a voice sang "We'll Meet Again". The voice was strange, a mix of a deep and mid pitched tone echoed from the phonograph. The record played with a slow pace, with a familiar raspy, deep, gravely voice singing adding to its ominous sound. As the song came to a close, the world turned to black and screams echoed all around. As I walked closer and closer to the direction of the screams I saw a light flicker fallowed by a thick fog blocking my view. when I reached the place where the screams originated from, I saw a large cabin. Blood rained down on me, and dripped of the black shingles of the cabin giving it a deep crimson coating. The walls were made of logs and were a deep oak brown. The small one room cabin transformed before my eyes into a long stretch of hallway full of doors with each door having a label and made of a different material with the surrounding frame and wall matching the door. The rooms were memories from my life. "Wait haven't I been here before?" I said aloud. A mysterious voice echoed in response "Yes, you HAVE been here before." It was the same voice from the phonograph "Who are you!?" I shouted. "OH! you don't recognize me? Here why don't you take a look, in the "light". " A shadowy figure slowly walked my way. As my eyes adapted to the darkness of the hall the figure that stood before me was a twisted version of me. Fur and human skin mixed, his left eye glowed a deep red and his right eye glowed a light grey like the moons of the fields. He was almost twice my size with horn like antlers on the top of his head. Blood dripped from his mouth unto the floor. tip... tap... tip... tap... the sound echoed around me. "No! Not you! Not this again!" I shouted "dawww James, you knew I would come back eventually. You can't hide from who you really are." The dripping blood began to trickle down faster going tap tap tap tap "No I- I- I won't become you not again! I left you here for a reason!" he opened his mouth again and spoke "You! YOU KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME AND YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME ANYMORE!" As he spoke blood poured out of his mouth, his eyes turned into red flames which bellowed smoke, his horns grew becoming a tangled mess of unparalleled nightmare fuel, all while stuffed and mounted heads of m- his victims circled his head. I ran, but every where I turned one of the stuffed heads would appear, eyes glowing white and shrieking the screams they shouted in their last moments of mortality. I Quickly became surrounded. I stepped back my back and tail pressing against the wall behind me. He walked from between the middle of the heads and started talking, by now the blood had stopped pouring from his mouth and instead poured from out m- his victims mouths. "WHEN! When will you learn!! That you can't escape me! Now you're gonna be freed of your domestic bonds of that petty human you supposedly love and return back to your more... , natural, ways. *evil laughter*" His snout opened wide as he grabbed my neck suffocating me. A terrible smelled filled my lungs this was the end... .

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