Part 9

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-> Hey babe do you wanna go out maybe we could get some ice cream.

And not a single comma was used that day.

-> She willingly goes on a two hour drive with a guy she doesn't know as her first date with him.

Please, stay. Let's discuss your mistakes in life. (Though the guy has no right to mess with her, she should be a teensy bit careful)

-> The girl hates beer but goes to a party with the guy and gets wasted.

What happened to "I hated the taste beer, it's smell and even it's texture." Yup, that just flew out of the window.

-> The guy has a Lamborghini.

No. No no no no. He can just get himself a corolla just like the rest of us.

-> I think he talked to some other girl so I'll just empty his bank account.

SLOW DOWN B-. I mean, just talk to him.

-> The love interest doesn't have any older siblings, just younger ones.

Geezum Crow. Just because you like kids doesn't mean that's what all the world is made of.

-> The body guard sucks at his job.

The dude is hired to keep the person safe, not help him/her run away.

-> The prime minister's kids can go around without security clearance.

Aren't you a little to famous to travel without your body guard. Yes, yes I am. Well, it's great to see the Prime Ministers kids loitering around where they can get brutally murdered or kidnapped, have fun.

-> The girl starts has an affair with her boy friend's best friend but gets upset when her boy friend dumps her for cheating on him.

Aww, that's cute. But I couldn't hear your sobs over the sound of you making out with his best buddy.

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