OH MY GODDDD (request)

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Request ~ holly_chowdhury

Reader ~ 22 she/her

Reader goes into labour while on set and freaks out

Set during Captain America: Civil War

*y/n's pov*

Today was going to be a busy day with all the scenes we have to do and costume changes and hair and make up I know I'm going to be tired by the time I even get to set

Especially being 38 weeks pregnant (about 9 months) obviously they were going easy on me and telling me to take lots of breaks but I just wanted to get these scenes done because once I have this baby I'm going to need some time to heal

They wanted me to take some time off before the baby but I said if I'm able to do the scenes I'm going to do the scenes, I did not want to hold filming back just because I was pregnant

*Time skip to lunch*

When I finally made it to the lunch tent Robert, Holland, Lizzie, Scarlett, and Evans were already there munching on a whole bunch of things

"Hey kiddo" Robert said giving me a hug

"Hey" I say as I gently sit down

Sitting down, standing up, walking, literally anything was really hard when you were 38 weeks pregnant

"Hows little l/n doing" Scar asks placing a hand on my huge stomach

"In the mood to kick a lot" I sigh

Chris brought over a plate of food for me before going to get himself more food

"Thanks Evans your the best" I smile

"I know I am" he smirks

"How are you feeling soon to be momma" Lizzie asks from beside me

"Tired I can't wait till this little one is out so I can finally see her face and so I don't get kicked all day" I laugh

"Yeah I remember when I was pregnant with rose she was a kicker"

"Your due soon right?" Tom(holland) asks

"Yeah 2 weeks" I smile

"2 weeks till we get to meet you little one" lizzie whispers leaning down to my stomach

"You know she stops kicking when you speak"

"Oh really well then I'm never gonna stop talking If that gives your mommy some relief" she says once again speaking to my stomach causing me me laugh

"I can't believe filmings almost done" Tom frowns

"I know I not gonna have anyone to help me do basic normal things" i fake pout making them laugh

"5 minutes guys" someone says from outside the tent

Everyome except Tom start getting up and leaving me, Scarlett, and Lizzie being the last ones

After standing up with the help of Liz and Scar I start wobbling over to the entrance of the tent

The scene we were going to be filming was the one in the conference room where they are first showed the accords, we had to refill it was some reason so we started making our way there

I kept feeling little kicks here and there so I started to rub small circles on my stomach

Trying to soothe the baby

One kick was really strong and I had to stop and use the wall as support while taking deep breaths

"Hey n/n you okay?" Scar asks as they come over to me

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