Requests: Vampire Shu x Shy Reader

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This is requested by Inshira_Nisshoku. I had a lot of fun writing it. Thanks for requesting it!

It has been half an hour since we wandered into the woods. My friends decided to come with me when I wanted to go to the forest. Now that I see the wilderness, the view was pleasant. The lush trees were everywhere. The sunlight is beaming at our faces. I could feel the breeze flowing past me.

I closed my eyes. "Aaah. It's so relaxing."

"Yeah, it feels incredible," R/G replied nonchalantly. After watching the scenery quietly, we both started to venture further into the forest. As we strolled along the path, we spotted a murky house.

"Let's check it out Y/N." I hesitantly nodded. As we got closer, the house became tremendous. 'Is this house a palace?' I wondered.

"Wow! This house looks exactly like a palace!" R/G somehow read my thoughts. I nodded yet again, agreeing with her. We were finally in front of the historical iron door. We were tiny compared to the door. I concluded that it was a palace, but I wondered why it was here, in the middle of the woods.

"Come on! You go in first!" My friend announced cheerfully.

"W-why? It looks scary in there..." I stammered worriedly. R/G lightly slapped my back and chuckled jokingly.

"Don't be scared. I'm right here. If you get lost, we can use this," My friend took out a long piece of string. It's thick. She tied the string around my wrist and the end of the string on her wrist. She tied them both tightly. "So you won't get lost in the dark."

She avoided my question of why she wanted me to go instead of her. I shook off the thought. I kept being persistent, wanting to stay outside instead of going in there. Anything but that. But she would respond, saying that I should be the one instead. In the end, I reluctantly agreed.

"Fine. I'll go inside b-but don't let go of the string, okay?" She nodded, careful of the instructions I gave her. I hesitantly stepped forward and pushed the door. It immediately unlocked quickly and pushed the doors all the way, which only made me feel skeptical and afraid. My friend, unfortunately, pushed me inside and forced me into the haunted palace.

"Good luck! I'm cheering you on!" said the eager girl. I nodded as I lingered in the palace.

??? POV
I was quietly tugging on my tie, pulling it so it could properly be placed at its rightful place. Suddenly, just suddenly, I sensed an exquisite smell. Something that my people loved more than anything. Ah yes, it was blood. I looked in the mirror, checking myself to see if everything was properly put on.

"I haven't had blood in such a long time," I told myself as a smirk appeared on my face. A dark part of me came back. "Shall I go now?"

I eventually stepped out of my bedroom and went to where my senses led me. I eventually made it to the main room. I hid in the shadows to see what was going on without them seeing me. I suddenly heard a soft whimper. 'I wonder who made that sound?' Using my excellent night vision, I glanced around the setting until my eyes laid on a little girl. She sat on a stool, weeping quietly as she wiped her tears. 'Oh, she must be scared of the dark.'

She kept on crying quietly. Each cry only made me feel strange. 'Why do I feel this way?' As I gazed at her more, she looked magnificent. Her position on the chair only made me want to comfort her and- no! I shouldn't be thinking of this. As I was going to walk away, I faltered. 'It wouldn't hurt to help her...right?' I mentally asked myself. I nodded. I should at least help someone once in a while. I took one last glance at her before I prepared to reveal myself.

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