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It was a bright day on Patch, an island located near the other islands of Japan and said Asian mini continent itself. Birds were flapping about, people were out doing their own things, while somewhere in the upper apartments where some rich people would live in.....a new chapter begins.


A brown-haired boy with chocolate eyes panted as he was sweating before he calmed down a little bit.

"Bad dream..."


The young lad looked to see his fiancée, Yang Xiao Long, who was lying beside him in bed now awake from his shout earlier.

"S-Sorry, Yang."

"Had that dream again?" She asked him as he sighed, "Yeah. It's been going on for weeks now."

Yang frowned sympathetically for her future shared husband, it had been going on since their childhood. The dream of seeing blood....monsters not known to man....and a giant machine of sorts roaring like a wild beast. Wanting to cheer him up, Yang kissed her beloved on the lips, "It'll be okay. It's only just a dream. Probably something that you saw on one of Dad's scary movies, like Night Of The Demons or something."

The brown-eyed young adult groaned, "Don't remind me. I had very bad dreams regarding about having sex on Halloween night because of that, and don't even get me started on Fright Night...."

The lilac-eyed blonde giggled, it was funny when she saw her boyfriend like this. All flustered and everything.

"Heart! Yang!"

The bubbly voice of Ruby Rose, the half-sister of Yang and Heart's sister-in-law/3rd future wife called out to them.

"Mom says you guys can go out now!"

Heart and Yang smiled as the two got out of bed.

"Okay! We're coming down! Just as soon as we're done changing."

Once done, Heart and Yang were in their casual outfits.

A/N: For those of you who are wondering, imagine Heart wearing Shinji's casual clothes while Yang is wearing her DGAS outfit but without missing an arm. And yes, she won't lose an arm in this story and won't be framed, there, yawl happy?

"So...what do you want to do, Yang?"

"Hmm...we could go to that ice cream place for starters."

"Calliche's Frozen Custard, right?" Heart asked her before she nodded with a mischievous wink, "Yup! And after that, we can go shopping at the mall and eat at Burger King~~!"

The "Hedgehog" of the triple family sighed comically. The three places had become their daily hotspots for dates, but, if he were to be honest with himself, Heart didn't really mind. If his girlfriend was happy, he was happy also.

Once they were at Calliche's Frozen Custard, it wasn't long that the two were able to order what they wanted.

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