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Louise Blitzkrieg Hinokami

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Louise Blitzkrieg Hinokami

"I always thought that I'm fine on my own and I didn't need anyone. But now....there are people who care about me, while I care about them more than anyone else. And honestly....you're a dummy. But, you're my dummy.~"

As her personality states a hint, Louise is indeed the reincarnation of Asuka Langley Soryu, the pilot of Evangelion Unit 02. Since reincarnating, Asuka, now reincarnated as Louise, has taken a more mature and kinder side. During the fight with Andras, Louise tells Heart to use the machine guns to shoot it down, even though she was offscreen during the entire time and she spoke to him with the transmission on.

Once they met for the first time, Louise told Heart that she was going to be with him during his fight against Belial. Impressed with his fighting skills, Louise decided that she would be his teammate during his missions, not before asking if Heart was really Shinji reincarnated.

Over the days, Louise became attracted to him and she would admit, although he had a different name and a different appearance, Shinji, now known as Heart, was very attractive when he becomes serious and downright adorable when she sees his flustered expressions.

Of course, Yang considered Louise as her rival, as both blondes loved Heart deeply, but, eventually, they reached an agreement with the other girls as they all would share Heart. However, seeing as how voluptuous her figure was, Louise was proud of the fact that she can make Heart release faster, much to Yang's chagrin.

Putting those aside, Louise is an expert martial arts combatant and an expert of firearms. Not only that, she is an ace pilot of her Evangelion, which still has its ability to turn into its Beast Form. Her Semblance is similar to Heart's but her's is called "Final Decision", which is a reference to The Final Decision We All Must Take.

 Her Semblance is similar to Heart's but her's is called "Final Decision", which is a reference to The Final Decision We All Must Take

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Evangelion Unit 02: TYPE ANOTHER

Evangelion Unit 02: TYPE ANOTHER

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EVA F1 02

"Louise's vehicle."

"Guess what, Jonny? YOU ARE GOING TO FIGHT! And you're gonna use whatever trick you have in that brain of yours to survive to the very end and show everyone the fruits of your training! The final word is mine! If you disobey, I'll kill you myself!" —Louise giving Jaune no room to make a choice as she tells him to man up for the ongoing fight against the Demons

"Your chest is big, but mine is much bigger, Little Sun Dragon, and I think he won't mind if I give him a little soft rub." —Teasing Yang about Heart

"Let's send this Demon to Hell." —Gesturing Heart to join her to kill a High Level Demon

"So, your skill is swinging around with that mace? Mine is BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF YOU." —Ready to beat the crap out of Cardin

"If you ever go so far as to harm him and Yang....I'LL KILL YOU!" —Threatening Shang Ke with a warning

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