She Was SK - Sae Kyung

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"SK! SK! SK! SK!"

This was what SK loved the most. People cheering for her in that dark lit club shining with the neon signs as she stepped in to the spotlight and pushed up her baseball cap,gripping on to her mic tight.

"Hey SK...Are you ready for SK!?!"

(Present Day)

"One Latte please." A girl who was desperately trying to cover her face with a hat asked the unsuspecting Starbucks server.

"Sure. Your name please."


"Your name...?"

"Is that necessary?"

"That's the tradition here."

The girl gave up.

"SK..." She said slowly,looking nervously at the server's reaction .

"Did you say SK ma'am?"

"Umm yeah..."

"The want us to put  down on your drink?"

"Shin Sae Kyung....that's me...don't say it out loud,I want to leave in secrecy-" before she could complete the waiter announced in a loud tone.

"One Latte for Shin Sae Kyung SK!"

Sae Kyung shut her eyes,awaiting the bombardment of fans,but to her one came-

She opened her eyes to see that not a single person out of the forty odd people in the cafe batted an eyelid-

Of course.

She wasn't the Shin Sae Kyung from 5 years ago.

South Korea had long forgotten Sae Kyung.


She trudged into that company building she absolutely detested-

"Tube Entertainment"

She hated being here since this red box company was a huge red flag.

Her fellow trainees were passionate individuals who worked so diligently,but the future did not seem very bright,because their own sunbaes never got proper promotions and were mistreated by the company.

She trudged into the dingy studio for her rap lesson-awaiting her was the self proclaimed 'hip' ajhussi who was munching on some snacks as he gestured her to get into her position at the mic.

She had such great amount of disgust for this man. After all the rap prodigies she has seen and collabed with,never did she even imagine that she would have to train under such a man who did not have basic manners.

He gestured her a 3,2,1-Start

Her spirits finally rose. Rap was what gave her life-what she was best at. Here goes.

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