Getting Blackmailed By A Toddler! Whoopee!

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allergies are kicking my ass 💀

if only i remembered to take my allergy meds earlier in the season..

WARNING: Swearing, Blood, Violence


Turns out, attending a way-too fancy party for your own good, brings out your greedy side. It wasn't just the case for you either, because Eli was way too tempted by the buffet as were you.


You stacked three whole cheeseburgers on your plate, balancing it like a Jenga tower. You continued to cheer, "NEXT STOP, MCDONALDS!! FUCK YEAH!! HOSHI, YOU WANT A BITE OF THIS? YOU'LL BE THE FIRST CHIPMUNK IN HISTORY TO HAVE A CHEESEBURGER!!"

You handed Hoshi a piece of it, making her squeak with content. As soon as she got a piece, she stuffed the entire thing into her cheeks.

Eli cut in front of too many people in the buffet line to count, before stopping at the cheeseburgers. He gained multiple complaints from the guests in the process, but it was a small price to pay. His eyes immediately became starry, "HOLY SHIT. I HAVEN'T HAD A CHEESEBURGER IN SO LONG!!"

He took a gigantic bite out of it, cupping his cheek with his free hand, "NOT THE SAME AS MCDONALDS.. BUT I'LL TAKE IT!!" He snapped his head towards you, "OH MY GOD. DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE PIZZA??"


Zenitsu, who had a mere salad on his plate, hissed to the both of you with slightly red cheeks, "YOU MORONS!! YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME IN FRONT OF THE RICH PEOPLE!!"

As you were about to dash to check out the rest of the buffet, you received a tap on your hip. Hoshi chirped in sudden surprise, so you turned around with a raised brow, only to meet nobody there.

You slowly swallowed your burger, "Yo.. anyone there..?" A high pitched voice came down from below you, "Down here, miss!!" You averted your vision downwards, only to be met with a young girl.

She had piercing, bright blue eyes and long, wavy, ashy blonde hair. She wore a puffy white dress, along with black flats.

You took another bite of your burger, hastily swallowing it, "Wassup, kid? Did you need something?" The girl fiddled with her fingers, before pulling out a small piece of paper, "W-Well.. I couldn't help but notice how pretty you looked.. so I drew you..!!"

Both Eli and Zenitsu froze in shock, followed by you as well. You briefly sent Eli a small triumphant and mocking smirk before turning back to the girl, "Aw, really?! I can't believe it!! Can I see, please?"

The girl shyly showcased the drawing, which featured a scribbled scene of nature. The only confusing thing, no human was in sight on it. You awkwardly spoke up, "I don't see it! Silly!"

The girl shook her head, "No, you're on it! Just look clooosseeelllyyy!!" As you squinted your eyes, you heard Eli choking back his laughter in the back. You pointed to a purple flowerbed on the drawing, "Oh, did you draw me as a purple flower? I love it!!"

The girl shook her head once more, "Nuh uh!!" She then trailed her finger to the very bottom of the drawing, to which you didn't notice.

At the bottom of the page, laid a skeleton that was 6 feet under. The young girl sent you puppy dog eyes, followed by a malicious smirk, "That's you, miss. I hope you like it.."

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora